Friday 6 July 2018



Hello All.

I was playing Injustice 2 earlier this evening, to see if I could get some more Aquaman gear, and when I checked the Legendary Multiverse, I noticed that I had quite a lot of the requirements ticked off for Doctor Fate without realising that I had completed them.

The way a legendary multiverse work is there are list of requirements which the player has to complete in order to have a go at the challenges set to play for legendary gear for a said character in the game. Not only does it look cool on the character but it gives them special powers and abilities in the game.

I only have a few requirements left to tick off before I can persist in the challenges for a chance to earn legendary gear for Doctor Fate. Injustice 2 videos are coming to an end for the summer at the end of July, however, during summer break, I will try my best to make sure I have ticked off all the requirements on the list to ensure that when the series comes back in September, I can attempt to take part in the challenges needed to get the legendary gear. 

I haven't seen what Doctor Fate's legendary gear looks like or know what it does, how it helps me in the game playing as Doctor Fate, but what I do know is, if the opportunity presents itself to me to get a piece of legendary gear for a character, I'm going to take it. It's actually quite exciting to know that I am close to earning my first piece of legendary gear for a character in Injustice 2.

I have heard that the challenges I shall face are much harder than a normal multiverse event, but all the same, I shall give it a good go.