Sunday 30 September 2018

Who? Jodie Whittaker, that's Who!

The new series of Doctor Who starts on BBC One next Sunday, and it's about time.

We finally get to see Jodie Whittaker's doctor in action, and what I have literally no idea what is going to happen in Series 11, I've read interviews, I watched clips and from what I can gather there are a lot of changes that have been made with the best of intentions for the better. I don't really know much about the series or what's going to happen, all I know is that there are going to be ten hour-long episodes rather than twelve or thirteen forty-five minute episodes, no Daleks or Cybermen or any old monsters returning, it's all going to be fresh new ideas, it's looking to be the biggest reboot in the shows history since Series 5 in 2010.

Doctor Who is now going out on Sunday evenings instead of the usual Saturday prime time slot, which could prove to be a fairly good move. Moving the time around with having the show on a different day is not a new thing, it has been done before. In the early eighties when Peter Davison took over from Tom Baker, the fifth doctor era was three years of Doctor Who being on between Monday to Friday evenings, showing two episodes per week. The Sylvester McCoy era was on Monday's, but the traditional slot is Saturday nights. Saturday nights will always be Doctor Who's home, and maybe one day it will return to that slot. 

I've seen bits and pieces about the new Doctor Who in Doctor Who magazine and things trending online, it's all very interesting and exciting to come across new information, but the thing is it sort of relates to people wanting to know, but not wanting to know, Doctor Who is one of these programmes which has expanded and grown throughout and it's a show that's loved by millions. There's a community of people who watch it, I'm not just talking about the fans, but it's a special thing where you find that this is a show unlike any other and people care about what happens to it, I only want the scripts and the content to be good above all else, and for the last few years it's been hit and miss. I hope that with a new approach this will a series that will work better and have new twists and turns and actually surprise me. 

I'm starting to like Jodie Whittaker more, I wasn't keen on the idea of a female doctor, to begin with, a part of me still isn't happy by it, but I've accepted it and have moved forward since finding out about it. Over time I'm starting to like Jodie Whittaker more and more, I haven't thought much of her before she was announced as the Doctor and never really thought highly of her as an actress, but seeing her in interviews and clips of her as the Doctor has made me change my perspective of her slightly. I really want her to be good, and the chances are that she will. 

It seems like there's a fresh new approach which is happening in the show, one of which is very exciting to a lot of people and I'm looking forward to getting to seeing it when the first episode airs next Sunday. 

Saturday 29 September 2018

The problem with the Sixth Doctor!

The problem with The Sixth Doctor: 
22 March 1984 - 6 December 1986. 

The characterisation for this Doctor was unlike any other the most deliberately dislikable and acerbic from his very first story, designed to gradually become more likeable and more mellow as time went by. 

However, though in certain stories, Six was much less dislikable and more settled, his overall dynamic with his companion, Peri was alarmingly something like a real-life abusive relationship, his constant verbal abuse and mood outbursts being quite uncomfortable for viewers. 

Six would grow less unlikable and more approachable over the course of his initial season and into his second, however stories like Mindwarp would reset him temporarily to The Twin Dilemma-esque proportions of sheer toxicity. 

Overall, stories which helped his cause the most in terms of his character were Vengeance on Varos, The Mark of the Rani, The Mysterious Planet and Terror of the Vervoids. Despite being quite workable on story levels, The Two Doctors and Revelation of the Daleks still included ounces of the more reprehensible and nastier Six, cruelly and invalidly attacking Peri's weight for instance. 

Ultimately, the idea to create a Doctor so thoroughly hateful and with such a loud, obnoxious costume matched with a nihilistic, cynical Doctor Who that was all about death, grittiness, gore and destruction more so than actually wanting us to be attached to its hero has been proven an absolute disaster. 

It's no small wonder the reason Big Finish has been so successful with this Doctor is that it removed all the things which destroyed him on television, specifically the barbs to his personality and his terrible companion dynamics.

Thursday 27 September 2018

INJUSTICE 2: Deadly Predator - Cheetah Multiverse on my channel NOW!


Check out the Cheetah multiverse live on my channel now. 

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Injustice 2: Manta Monday! Monday 1st October 2018


On Monday the 1st of October, a new video is being uploaded featuring Black Manta. I won't say too much about it, but it's going to be very interesting. More updates on this to be released upon request. 

Tuesday 25 September 2018

2018: My year so far!

Hello everyone

I wanted to write this post because the past week, going into this week has been one that has been particularly frustrating for me, and I feel one of the best ways to express such feelings being of upset, frustration, and disheartened is to write about them, and for all I know, there could be loads of other people, some of which might come across this post and start reading it who are in the same situation or worse as me.

Now, I'm wishing any bad feeling upon anyone or anything by writing this, and in no way what so ever am I writing this in an attempt to gain sympathy or empathy from anyone, because I'm not that kind of person, I'm merely pointing out my feelings of frustration and disappointment with the way I think 2018 has gone for me so far in the best way I can, writing a blog post up on my blog. I'm fully aware and understand that I could simply just write it down in a notepad or express myself in such a way that doesn't involve posting on social media for everyone to see, I am fully aware of that.

I just feel in myself that this year so far for me has been a bumpy road. Now I'm not saying I'm worse off than anyone else, everyone has problems, we all have our problems and always will. However, for me, I just feel down about the fact that I've not had much good luck come my way this year or I have not made any good or right choices in my life.

It all started back in January where I had to leave my current job at the time because it was deemed too stressful, I was overworked, under pressure, hadn't had much sleep and the environment that I was in wasn't a very nice or healthy atmosphere for me that it became so unbearable that I just wanted to get out, after leaving that job, I had my piece of mind back and I felt like I could get back to being myself again, but at the same time, I was out of a job, I didn't have anything else to fall back on and I was unemployed for a considerable number of weeks. I had other things to keep me going, however, theatre projects on the go and I was seeing and catching up with friends whom I hadn't seen for a long time.

I was working on a theatre project however that didn't turn out to be a very good experience for me, I could tell that I wasn't enjoying it and actually by the end of it, it ended up being one of the worst experiences of my time working in theatre, that's down I believe to poor management, poor timekeeping and just a certain person not really sorting out her priorities and looking after her cast very well. But I was too involved in the project to back out and say "No, I don't want to do this anymore" because that certainly wouldn't have done me any favors if I left. It just didn't end up being the insight or what I was told it was going to be like, I thought that I was signing up for something creatively initiative and something very different and outside the box, because that's what makes theatre brilliant, it's the idea of taking something and doing something so mad and wonderful and fantastic with it that you invite an audience into your world to tell a story and provide a broad escapism. It's the magic of entertainment that makes good business. As I didn't get that, not only did I feel upset and disappointed by this, but I also felt cheated, unappreciated and just didn't feel like part of the team and no one actually bothered to help me feel better about that.

I also felt very agitated and worried over where I stood with certain friends or a friend. I just felt as if I had done something wrong or the relationship had changed slightly and I misinterpreted that as being something it wasn't. I do make things more harder than myself, however, by allowing yourself to over think situations you get caught up and confused with what you believe to be true and what is actually true and I do have regrets about the way I have gone about certain things. And I know that those things can only get me down or eat me up if I let them. I try not to let things worry or concern me, but I'm quite a sensitive person in the best and worst of times.

Over this year I have struggled to find a permanent job that I can stay in, I've spent the majority of this year falling in and out of working, having a valuable source of income and then not having any income at all, that in itself became very hard because I would run out of money and not know when my next source of income would be. I've signed up for things which I thought may take off and be really good for me, if it were to go in the right direction, and it was a big if, when those things didn't work out, I would find that I needed to go back to the drawing without having any clear understanding of what it was that I wanted to do, what made it harder for me was not feeling like I was getting any support, I felt like I was just getting moaned at and shouted at all the time no matter how hard I tried to find work.

I've managed to find a job last week, and now it's been a week later and I'm now jobless again. I feel as if I've not been having a very lucky year or things just haven't quite gone my way at all. I feel like I'm letting myself down and that I'm letting my family down.

But it's not been all bad, I have had some really good things that have happened to me this year. I've made some excellent progress in pursuing a passion for working in radio and gaining experience with that, so far, I've worked on three very unique and very different radio programmes both on air and behind the scenes, I've been going out and socialising with friends and building on my relationships with people and genuinely I feel like the relationship I have with friends is very good. I went to my friend's wedding and it was one of the best days of my life. I've been on a couple of dates this year, I've rediscovered or got back into doing hobbies I haven't done for ages and remember or remind myself why I love doing those things so much.

We are now going into October, three months of the year left to go, I sincerely hope that things pick up and get much better for me up to Christmas.

If you have come across this and are reading this, I hope you'll understand my story and where I'm getting my point across. I just felt by typing this up and getting it out there, that might help to get it off my chest to help me going into the rest of this year. It can only get better.

Monday 24 September 2018

Mary Was The Marrying Kind! x

Mary was the Marrying Kind! 

Hi everyone

So as you may or may not know, about two weeks ago, one of my best friends in the whole world got married. I haven't known her for very long, but her kindness towards me has gone a long way. She decided to invite me and three others of my friends to her wedding which was very nice of her, she didn't have to do that. I wasn't going in with any expectations of being invited, I thought it would be nice if I did but somehow thought, oh well what if I don't and even if I don't it's fine. 

As much as I love weddings and they're a great thing, I would understand the reasons why I wouldn't be asked to be involved. However, despite all my doubts and worrying and the will it happen or won't it, I got an invite. This event or this wedding was something that meant a lot to me, but not just for me, for my friends as well. We all planned out our day together and made an effort to go out shopping and buy new suits, I had gone to the trouble of creating a wedding card and a few gifts, so we all prepared and marked the occasion in our own way, and then the day of the wedding finally arrived.

I don't know about how anyone else was feeling, but to me, it felt like waking up on Christmas morning, like that special warm glow that you get when you wake up on Christmas Day feeling all excited and happy, that's how I felt waking up on the day of the wedding. It was something which we all had been looking forward to and put a lot of effort and planning into, we were all very excited and it was quite humbling to think that this all started with four people coming together to work on a play, and now here we were, a year and a half later, on our way to our friends wedding. 

Whenever I hear this song, I think back and remember my friend walking up the aisle having stepped out of a white camper van. It brings back fond memories and was actually very emotional. I felt very emotional more after the wedding had happened then when it was happening in the moment.

In the end, Mary really was the marrying kind! xx

Friday 21 September 2018

Story Time! Mortal Kombat XL

Hey everyone.

As you know, Gameplay videos start again as of Monday, and I'm continuing with Mortal Kombat XL and Injustice 2 for the moment, but new gameplay of new games will be coming later on.

To start with Mortal Kombat for the next twelve weekdays, I will be playing the story, releasing a new chapter each day, there are twelve chapters altogether. That'll last for about two and half weeks and then once that's finished, I'll get down to doing some tower challenges and possibly some online ranked matches as well, I may even do a live stream if and when I have time.

We shall see.

Thursday 20 September 2018

Hope spring eternal

Continuing with my music theme I've got going on, the next singer/ artist I've grown an interest in and positive likeness for is Hope Russell Winter. I became aware of Hope and her music in late March of last year. Since then I've been going to see her live in St Albans, and across London. I've become a big fan of her music and when she sings, it's incredible.

This is just one of my favourite songs from her, it's called "The Fall" and it has a personal meaning and message behind it for Hope and her family. So check it out.

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Tom Craven & The Chapter

Hey everyone

Since getting involved in radio production and making radio programmes, I have been interested in getting to know more live music artists and bands.

One of those music artists is a singer called Tom Craven. This is just an example of some of his work.

Give it a listen.

Trial by Fire, Scene from an Ending, and Postcard Skies are three of the best songs I've heard.

Saturday 15 September 2018

Jon Pertwee loves Motor Bikes!

This is from an ITV children's series called "MADABOUT" and the episode is entitled "WHEELS". Made by Tyne Tees Television Production and transmitted on 6 Jan 1983.

Thursday 13 September 2018

Wizard of Oz! Here we go again!

So, I've had an interesting offer come my way this week. I got an offer from Rare productions asking if I'd like to be Professor Marvel/ The Wizard again in the upcoming production of The Wizard of Oz in Welwyn Garden City. The show is in November. 

My approach to it at first was to say No because I thought that I had done a good job with that role the last time I did it and that you shouldn't really revisit roles or shows unless you think the performance you give will be as good or better than the first. However, after having spoken to my family about it, I thought that it may be fun to do, and I wouldn't have to pay a show fee if I said yes and I'd get a few benefits from doing it as well doing Rare productions a favor. 

Looking back on Wizard of Oz there are one or two things about it that I thought I could make it better and now I guess I have the opportunity to learn from my experience and do it again having done the role before. But it was an all-round polished performance from me that I felt satisfied enough to say "yes, I'm really happy with the way that went".  I just hope that I made the right choices for the right reasons. 

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Gameplay videos - Back on the 24th September!

Hello All.

This is just a quick update post to tell you that gameplay videos will resume as of Monday the 24th September. Sorry it's been such a long break, I've been making plans over the summer and now that I have a date set out I think I have a rough idea of what I'd like to do.

Mortal Kombat season continues from where it left off, only I'm going to start off my playing the story chapter by chapter as that's something which I haven't done yet, once that's finished I'll continue to do single fight matches and some tower matches as well, possibly even some, one on one online ranked matches.

Injustice 2, I'll take a slightly different approach to, starting a new season with multiverse events with various different characters.

A slight adjustment I have made on my Playstation is, I can now go beyond the time limit of fifteen minutes, so I can now do longer videos, which means more and better content for viewers who watch my videos to indulge in. 

I've been perfecting my gameplay style and technique over the summer and I think I'm getting better, I'm learning new combos and new attack methods which will help me out in playing live. 

So stay tuned for all of that and extras as well. 

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Thank you and Congratulations Mez!

I just want to say, I'm very proud of my friend Mary. She and her now husband Joel had the wedding they deserved over the weekend. Surrounded by friends and family and I'm so glad that I got to be there and share the celebrations with them. It was the best.

My Family, close friends, and Mary herself, all know how important she is to me, and how much I value her friendship. She's been there for me throughout the good times and the not so good times.

The past year and a half has gone quick. Time waits for no man, but I think I've made a friend for life.

So hugs and kisses to you Mez! I love you more than Doctor Who. And that's saying something. xx

Friday 7 September 2018

What's on in September?

Hello all.

So, now that I'm back, the beginning of the month is usually the time I post my usual what's on guide telling what's going to be on my channel.

In all honesty, I haven't made any big plans for September. Gameplay videos won't be back until the end of September, (24th) and Doctor Who Audio Adventures will return at Christmas in "The Doctor Who Saved Christmas" but more on that later.

I believe I have posted in the past about new Doctor Who action figure videos and rebooting my Batman series, I do still plan to do both of those things, I'm just waiting on getting the figures I need off my wish list to make that happen, in the meantime stay tuned for new posts on both series.

Chase videos, that's in a bit of a hiatus at the moment too, it's neither coming or going at the moment. I am checking ITV press centre and Radio Times to know when new Celeb Chase will be back on telly again, but there doesn't seem to be any news up yet.

Plus I'm going through a few personal things right now to do with family and friends which has made me more, busy.

But, I have not forgotten about my YouTube work. I am going to put the time in, but at the moment it seems I'm only able to do that when I have the time, with blogging it's a bit the same. I'll write a post when I've got a few minutes to spare. Doesn't take me that long to right a blog post normally.

I guess the best thing I can say to you is, just keep a look out for any new posts, check my social media, mainly my Twitter and my Instagram because I'm most likely to be on them. I'm @danielbury27, you know where to find me.

See you all soon guys!

Monday 3 September 2018

I'm back, where have I been?

Hey everyone.

I'm back. After what seems to be an extended Summer break I'm back after taking a bit of time off. So I guess the question you're all asking is where have I been? Well, I basically went to Portugal for the summer and it was lovely, stayed in a nice luxury apartment by the beach, had loads of ice cream and just chilled out really. I didn't put much of an effort into the holiday. The whole point of it was to just go away and leave all my worries and troubles aside and just have time to relax and not worry about anything.

I got back about a week ago and I was meaning to keep you all informed about stuff I had planned for the YouTube channel, but for some reason that didn't happen. Due to laziness really, I just decided to leave blogging until I was ready to get back into the swing of it.

I don't just do blogging for the sake of it. It is a fun activity and it does give me something to do but at the same time I have to really be in the right mood to do it and sometimes coming up with a subject matter to talk about can be very difficult. I don't just want to write something on the blog, I want to write something that has actual meaning to it and something which is relevant to my YouTube channel or something that I've got going on in my personal life like an activity or an event etc. And over the summer, I didn't really have anything to talk about, when you're a blogger one of the things you have to keep an eye on is consistency and making sure that you keep stuff flowing fluently, it's like a promise you make to yourself to keep new and original material and updates coming in and when you break that promise you feel like you're letting yourself down and you are letting your audience down. I don't want to do that.

However, after a well-deserved break, I'm back, I'm ready to go, I've got some exciting news and new content which I am excited to share with you all, and that will all be happening starting from this week.

So, let's finish this chapter and start fresh on a new one, Autumn 2018 is on its way and its soon to be the lead up to Christmas so there is lots to do, and lots to talk about.

Stay tuned.