Wednesday 26 November 2014

DOCTOR WHO : The Woman in White

 Michelle Keegan as The Woman in White
in Series 1 Finale 
'The Woman in White & The Empty Hearse'

Just a quick update for you all about the new audio adventures happening very soon, As far as this series is developing Ideas and coagulation's for the series are coming together remarkably quickly. Even quicker than I had hoped funnily enough which is brilliant for me. It just means I am coming very close into making this series, and getting stuff done.

I can reveal the identity of acknowledging a new character, which will turn out to be a very important character throughout the series. The relationship this character has with The Doctor, goes way back, further than we can possibly imagine. Michelle Keegan is the mysterious 'Woman in White' 

Michelle is ... I can't tell you. Why? because it will ruin the surprise.

All I will say is, she is the 'main' villain in the first series. She will end up being a very important character in her relationship with The Doctor. There will be a story arc threading throughout Series 1 with this character, to build on the contrast in the relationship between this character and The Doctor from there on in.

She's very much like The Doctor in some cases. I mean that in terms of having a lot of mystery to her credit.

She is the mysterious Woman in White, who watches, listens and waits... but for what?

I would just like to reiterate that Michelle Keegan is NOT in the REAL TV Series. She is a made up character in my Audio Adventures series coming next year. Sorry if this has caused any confusion.

You'll have to tune into find out!

Friday 21 November 2014



  • Episode: 
    7 of 10
  • Transmission: 
    Sun 30th Nov 2014
  • Time: 
    Anytime after 10am
  • Week: 
    Week 6 2014 : Mon 24th - Sun 30th Nov
  • Channel: 
    DANBURY Productions

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Doctor Who Review - The Tenth Planet

This weeks episode review, is 'The Tenth Planet'.

It was the end but the moment had been prepared for. The Tenth Planet stands out as one of the biggest game changing stories in the history of Doctor Who.

Not only does it introduce viewers to the Cybermen for the first time, but it also reveals something that at this point of the time of 1966, we didn't know about The Doctor. If his body becomes too old or is damaged, he can change it...

For 3 Years William Hartnell has starred as the Doctor, a role he loved and helped to create, the curmudgeonly old man, who was brilliant, stubborn, childlike and mischievous, someone who invested that history shouldn't be interfered with, but who consistently broke all the rules...

NEXT WEEK : The Daleks

Monday 17 November 2014


The Chase - Specials

  • Episode: 
    6 of 10
  • Transmission: 
    Sun 23rd Nov 2014
  • Time: 
    Anytime after 10am
  • Week: 
    Week 6 2014 : Mon 17th - Sun 23rd Nov
  • Channel: 
    DANBURY Productions

Saturday 15 November 2014

DOCTOR WHO Exclusive Review - The Time of the Doctor set

Arrived this morning in the post, from Forbidden Planet International. I don't usually do action figure reviews, but this was an exception with it being, new and exclusive.

The Time of the Doctor collectors set is an exclusive to FPI, produced by character options and underground toys.

It's basically three characters in one : The 11th Doctor, The 11th Doctor (old) and The regenerative 12th Doctor. For £29,99 for one figure I'd say maybe a bit pricey, but good to have it in hand.

Friday 14 November 2014

The Chase : Specials - Children in Need 2014

The Chase - Children in Need Special : A team of four celebrities attempt to amass as much money as possible for a cash prize for Children in Need, by answering quick-fire questions in a 60-second round. Each correct answer earns the contestant £1,000.

The money earned will go towards the team bank for Children in Need, but there is one person standing in their way: a quiz genius known as The Chaser. The Chaser's job is to catch each contestant and make sure the players are not able to put the money into the prize fund which the team must collectively play for in "The Final Chase".

Tonight's celebrities are Television presenter Fern Britton, Eastenders Actor Jake Wood, Presenter Claudia Winkleman and Comedian David Walliams.


Tuesday 11 November 2014

Doctor Who Review - Destiny of the Daleks

In this weeks review, I look at the undermined Tom Baker story 'Destiny of the Daleks'. Assessing the highs and lows, what is the actual point of this story, besides the fact that it's got daleks in it. Both in the title and in the story?

NEXT WEEK : The Tenth Planet 

Sunday 9 November 2014

EXCLUSIVE REVIEW : Doctor Who - Death In Heaven

Last night's finale of Doctor Who finished the series off of twelve consecutive weeks, and closed Peter Capaldi's first full on series as The Doctor. It's a bit sad to see the series end personally, as it's been one hell of a rollar coaster, I can't help but feel that the series has passed too quickly.

Obviously through the series we have had many little snippits of the whole nethersphere storyline, building upto the finalie. Now that we actually are there now, we finally get to understand what that storyline is all about.

Before I begin this review, this review is going to be filled with spoilers, so if you haven't seen the episode and you don't want it to be spoilt, you best stop reading.

Okay, you've scrolled down now so you've either seen it or haven't seen it but still want to know what happens. But don't say I didn't warn you.

So, what did I think of 'Death in Heaven'? It was pretty lacklustre,for me. It didn't do anything for me unfortuntly.

The episode starts off where last week left off. The Cybermen surround the streets of St Pauls, and UNIT barge in and take control. Meanwhile Clara is cornered by a Cyberman and says she's The Doctor as a diversion to stay alive. We are then treated to a daft title sequence with Jenna and Peter's names swapped around, and Jenna's face in the title sequence, and not Peter's. That's just daft. I watched that and thought 'Oh come off it, are you serious?'

UNIT take the operation into their stride and take The Doctor and Missy captive, they take The TARDIS and put The Doctor and Missy on a plane. Missy is left detained while The Doctor becomes president of the group on the plane. It's on the plane we see a big photo monument of The Brigadier, a photo of the old brig from Battlefield, I can recall. I thought that aspect was quite nice. I didn't really get the whole point of the plane, why it needed to be there, what was the point of it, why did they have to be on a plane? I suspect it was there for The Cybermen attack later on and for it to blow up later, for the sake of dramatic interest. Nothing more, other than that don't really get why the plane was there.

Meanwhile Danny gets upgraded into a Cybermen, and kidnaps Clara and takes her to a graveyard, weirdly.
Clara communicates with the cyberman who turns out to be Danny. However, I find it hard to understand how Clara could tell which Cyberman was the one who brought her to the graveyard, if she's surrounded by Cybermen which look exactly alike. Anyway Danny Cyberman is in pain, he requets Clara to switch on the emotional inhipitar, but is Clara does that then Danny will not be Danny anymore, she will be an emotionless machine. Clara doesn't know what to do, so she rings The Doctor.

On the plane, Missy escapes and kills Osgood (Thank god) and two guards. Cybermen then attack the plane and the plane goes down. The Doctor falls out of the plane, lands back in the TARDIS and joins Clara in the graveyard. Where everything reaches it's climax. Death in Heaven was very lacklusture for me. The majority of it was a massive pile of crap! I mean seriously, 1 hour was no where enough time to untangel a very complex knot after last week. Never mind 'Deep Breath' this should of been the 75 minute episode.
For me, personaly I needed more from it, and not something which was below par. It's disapointing that nothing was really explained in full. Just a complete mess, a hole in the ground which was filled by the way with soppy sentimentality and a unsatisfactory plan.

There were some good moments it though, like the deaths of Kate Stewart and Osgood which were done really dramatically, however after the ending I'm left slightly confused as if to weither or not they're actually dead anymore.

Some Cybermen scenes were done really well, like the bit in the graveyard with Clara, where they drag themselves out of the graves and emerge in the morgues. I'm sure that would of given young children watching the shivers.

Michelle Gomez was wonderful as the Master and was just an excellent villain, this demonstrated that we do seemed to have passed the stupid Moffat stereotype woman of snogging and getting hot for the Doctor, and had an actual cold hearted villainess. 

The people she killed, and with such splendour, and were done very Master-ly, I must say! The Doctor's scene in the TARDIS was excellent and the Master truly had the last laugh (how could she not?) 

The trouble is, Moffat didn't bother to explain how the Master, could change into female form. The fact that she was the Master was only occasionally brought up carrying no weight or legitimate reason for being there, so Moffat only made him a woman pretty much for the sake of it and to artificially give last week's cliffhanger some weight. It was just one of those moments 'Oh Hi, I'm Steven Moffat. I can make The Master a woman and not explain any logic behind it, because I'm excutive producer of Doctor Who. I can do whatever the f*ck I like! Now if she was the Rani, it would have been much better, and would of made a lot more sense.

Clara's surprise departure at the end was actually handled really well and much better done than Amy and Rory's farewell. It was kept simple, and to the point and also very affectionate. 

Overall, after watching 'Death in Heaven' I think that, Steven Moffat just needs to go! A lot of the episode was really slow and whilst I love the idea of the Cybermen being able to convert the dead, was it really all just for the Doctor to bring back Gallifrey, or something else?

Either way, Gallifrey's return was surprisingly so unexciting because there was little to no momentum and the climax was just... there. It actually had nothing to do with the plot at all, so why was it there? In the time that was spent fussing about Gallifrey, Moffat could of just used that time to explain how The Master survived the void in 'The End of Time'. How he became a she?

The Cybermen were completely unthreatening, in some places handled incredibly poorly, espeically when Cyber Danny  acted like a regular soldier and commanded all of the Cybermen like proper, human soldiers. Also, the new flying was quite odd, and didn't help the fact that they look like Iron Man.


Call it what you like. It just wasn't a proper Cyberman story and Steven Moffat really can't write for the best monsters... and as Missy proved, villains either! Despite weither it was a good twist or not, he ruined The Master. Just like Iron Man 3 ruined The Manderin. 

Clara pretending to be the Doctor was just poor taste as it was only done to make the episode look far more dramatic than it actually was. Just, what did actually happen? Nothing or hardly anything happend in this. I'm still left asking questions about Missy and indeed the whole Heaven arc etc.

The little boy coming back was wishee, washee, namby, pamby soppy sentimental nonsense. It was Danny commiting a selfless act rather than come back and be with Clara again. It didn't need to there, and waitsed scene time. I'm baffled that that scene was in the final cut and not an explination as to how or why The Master is back, and back as a woman!
Though the final scene in the cafe was brilliantly suttle and well acted, I am so gutted about Clara! I really liked her! I'm sad that this is the end for her. Farewell Clara Oswald! One of my favouite companions of the new series, since Donna.
Overall, It was just a massive pile of crap! I could hear the nails being hammered into Steven Moffat's coffin as I watched it. 0/5 Giving the Series 8 Finalie 'Dark Water / Death in Heaven' 3/10. Such a Shame, getting fed up with Moffat now.

The Christmas Special  Teaser was nice. I literally have no idea what's going to happen next. So let's just wait and see. Nick Frost is Father Christmas. It'll be Christmas before I know it.

Saturday 8 November 2014

The Chase : Children in Need Special 2014


A special celebrity edition of The Chase is coming in aid of this years BBC Children in Need, this Friday (14th of November) on my channel. Where a team of four well known celebrities will go head to head against The Chaser.

In this special, each celebrity will face a different Chaser, in a bid to raise money for the Children in Need aid.

The Celebrities are :

Fern Britton

An English television presenter, best known for her television work with Phillip Schofield on ITV. Fern rose to national fame when she presented Ready Steady Cook between 1994 and 2000 on BBC One.

Jake Wood

An English actor, best known for playing Max Branning in EastEnders and in the United States as the voice of the GEICO gecko.

Claudia Winkleman

A television presenter, film critic, radio personality and journalist, best known for her current work with the BBC.

David Walliams

An English comedian, actor, author, television presenter and activist, best known for his partnership with Matt Lucas on the BBC One sketch shows Little Britain, Rock Profile and Come Fly with Me.

They look a pretty good team don't they? Let's hope they get away with heaps of cash to go towards Children in Need aid. This Friday, 14th of November.

Thursday 6 November 2014

COMING SOON From DANBURY Productions : Doctor Who - The Audio Adventures.

The Doctor is back, in audio form that is. Yes, A new series of Doctor Who Audio Adventures starring Me 'Daniel Bury' as The Doctor will launch next year. I'm very excited to start work on these.

Originally the audio adventures were going to start this year, but I decided against it. Sometimes a set back is what an idea needs in order to allow more time to go through things properly.

I listen to a lot of Radio anyway, so I'm very much inclined about what the prospect of writing for Audio is about, there is a budget less limitation with audio which I love, you get to play around with different sounds and tell a story in your own way. It's a very interesting and diverse form of storytelling, which I love. I like doing stuff like this in my spare time anyway, and it would also allow me to take adventures with My Doctor in the TARDIS further. 

The last time you saw my doctor, was in my live action adventure in May 'The Android Invasion of the World'. Now I'm back again, however I'm turning back the clocks a bit. The events you will witness in these series of audio adventures with my doctor in terms of my time stream in 'The Android Invasion of the World' would of already happened, what you're actually doing is going back earlier on into my Doctor's past.

Where he has a new companion, has newly regenerated and developed a taste in thinking wearing white is a good idea. I'd like to try thinking that when my doctor's near a mosh pit.

Anyway, let me fill you in with some of the juicy details I've got planned.

Kara - The Companion

Meet Kara Connor. (Kara Tointon) 31 years old. She's an English teacher at 'Windsor School' in the little village of Stockbridge.

She's someone who seeks adventure where ever she can find it, she takes pleasure out of educating her students in English literature and language.

She's just normal. Is what the basic outline to her character is, she is just a fun, normal girl who likes to be challenged. She's clever, she has a basic knowledge of scientific understanding, She's good at anything she puts her mind to, and she's a trier. She always tries at anything, and always gives 100%.

Also, she's inquisitive. She uses her initiative a lot of the time, she trusts her instincts or gut feeling really well. Doesn't let her guard down too much.

I think her and The Doctor get a long quite well. They clearly are a good match for one another, they can talk about a lot of things like scientific theories and laugh a lot. They are really good friends. They do tend to clash on some things, they don't always agree with one another, they bicker a bit, but not so much that it causes a major catastrophic fall out, The Doctor trusts Kara and Kara trusts him. That's what is the glue to their relationship.

The Doctor

Then of course we get to me. Here are just some of the outfits I will be wearing, throughout the series. The main one of course being the white suit with waistcoat and black shirt, but there are some alterations made, like with Capaldi and his costumes, just so I'm not wearing the same thing every episode.

Main Outfit - White Suit.

Alteration 1 - Dark Blue, Robot shirt.

Alteration 2 - White Shirt with stripped collar.

Alteration 3 - Dark Blue shirt.

I'll probably just regurgitate these three outfits around my main one for the duration of the first series, at least. I'll come up with other diverse alterations later, but this is just a sneak preview.

That's all for now guys, be sure to keep updated for more information about the series coming soon.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Doctor Who Review - The War Games

This week's review is of 'The War Games' Starring Patrick Troughton. A 10 part epic, which see's The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe playing a sudisdic game against time itself. As people from other time zones are fighting what they belive to be a war on earth, they are actually subjects of an experiement run by the War Lords.

It is then we learn more of the doctors origins and more importantly the secret race known as 'The Time Lords'.

NEXT WEEK : Destiny of the Daleks

Sunday 2 November 2014

The Chase EXCLUSIVE : Anne Hegerty Gangnam Style Dance!

The Governess, Anne Hegerty showing off her best dance moves. Everybody do the Smug Dance!

EXCLUSIVE REVIEW : Doctor Who - Dark Water

Last Night's episode of Doctor Who 'Dark Water' was certainly a one to watch. I thoroughly enjoyed it, It wasn't anything gob smackingly amazing, but it was a really good episode none the less. Obviously through the series we have had many little snippits of the whole nethersphere storyline, building upto the finalie. Now that we actually are there now, we finally get to understand what that storyline is all about.

Before I begin this review, this review is going to be filled with spoilers, so if you haven't seen the episode and you don't want it to be spoilt, you best stop reading.

Okay, you've scrolled down now so you obviously want to know what happens. But don't say I didn't warn you. 

The story starts off with Danny on the phone to Clara, Clara wants to tell Danny something but before she can Danny obviously walks out into on coming traffic and gets hit by a car and dies. It seems pretty stupid of Danny not to look where he was going before he crossed the road. But what can I say, the character is a moron. So Danny dies Clara is depressed by this, because she's grown to love Danny by this point and they have a relationship between them that Moffat has created to make the audience emotionally engage with their realtionship.

Clara tries to persuade The Doctor to change time to save Danny's life, but The Doctor has other ideas to save Danny, Meanwhile Danny is in the Nethersphere. He meets a guy called Seb (Played By Chris Addison) Danny is obvlious to his surroundings. However it is Seb's job to refresh his memory which he does. I liked all the scenes with Seb and Danny, I thought that those scenes showed Danny's character in a new light and made me as a viewer see him in a different perspective. Chris Addison as Seb was brilliant, really well cast.

As an episode I didn't think it was that bad. Very steady going, very atmospheric and the suspense was turned up to 11. Danny Pink is a moron, obviously. Clara is deluded for loving a moron. The Doctor is horrified, and the identity of Missy is revealed.
There were some other idiotic moments, like the kissing greeting scene which was incredibly forced, and the annoying, typical-Moffat witty personas of Missy. However, the plot was interesting if slow in places, the idea was great, pertically the stuff with the Dark Water. I thought that was a clever idea, and I thought the explination to it was clever.

The Identity of Missy is finally revealed. About the whole 'Missy' thing. Missy is The Master. I personally don't mind it so much. I actually give a tip of the cap to Steven Moffat on that one. I didn't see it coming and it's a nice twist, because we genuinely do NOT know how this is going to play out next week and of course it's the big finale. Though I do find it difficult to contemplate just how Missy could be The Master. Not in the context of The Master changing sex, but because Missy was like a hologram thingy. So how could she be The Master?

The Cybermen were hardly in it at all, but again I'm sure they'll be heavily included in next weeks finale.
Everything just resolves back to this big question mark on the end, and that's the power of the cliffhanger, so it's annoying how Steven Moffat can demonstrate the value of having cliffhangers and then the series just does not use them.

Also there's the thing with Danny, will he press the 'Delete' button on the Ipad or will he not? That's a question worth answering. Personally I think he won't because he knows he loves Clara and it will be his love for Clara that will keep him going. I hope.

I'm just overly happy with the way it went, set the boundaries up for next week very well. I would like to award 'Dark Water' a good 3/5. (Good but needed some finer polishing done to it.)

Saturday 1 November 2014




This new adventure see's the Sixth Doctor and Kerry confronting a complication within a planet's time stream. They arrive on the planet Dios in the 43rd century. Only to find the planet a decreased waste land, only to return and to the planet earlier on this time in the 42nd century.

It is in the 42nd century The Doctor learns of an genesis pattern happening which could threaten the fate of all life should time continue to run its course.

It's very different to any other 6th Doctor story, I have done in the past. Colin's character has mellowed a lot in this story and understands the danger to the human race as well knowing the fine balance of what points in time are in flux and what points in time are fixed. And what happens on Dios in the 42nd century, must always happen... which is what? ...