Sunday 1 July 2018


JULY 2018

Take a look at all the things happening this July on my channel.

  • Injustice 2: Season 3
Gameplay videos featuring: fight matches, multiverse challenges, boss fights and more.
Series concludes on the 3rd August.

  • Injustice: Gods Among Us Season 2

  • Gameplay videos featuring: fight matches, tower challenges, invasion boss battles, test your luck and more.
    Series concludes on the 3rd August.

    • Doctor Who Audio Adventures - Series 3

    8/14 "Locked In"  The Doctor, Pip, and Kara find themselves trapped in a haunted house. Locked in with a creature that lives in the shadows. Hungry for their souls.

    9/14 "Danger at Ocean DeepThe Doctor and his friends arrive at Seascape headquarters, where contact has been lost with several other rigs. The pipes are being blocked by parasitic seaweed. A weed creature has infiltrated the headquarters through the pipes, and fish people from the sea have declared war upon the humans. It's every man and fish person for themselves. There will be blood.

    10/14 "Valhalla of the DamnedThe Doctor chooses to visit the Jintsu monastery in Tibet in 1899, he comes in peace with the medallion of the Valhalla, and ancient relic which symbolizes peace and prosperity. Peace does not last long, the monastery is under threat from the Yeti. Robot servants of the great intelligence, eager to enable the power to revive its power on earth. If it succeeds, it could mean the end of the world.