Friday 6 July 2018

DOCTOR WHO: Action Figure Adventures - Are they ever coming back?

Hey everyone

Do you remember those Doctor Who action figure adventures I used to do... those were the days weren't they, a fan's joy in making up his own films and playing with his toys. I loved those days, but then the time came where I just stopped doing them. I had plans to carry the project on, but somehow this was a project that just disappeared. 

I'm writing a post on this because I've had lots of interesting messages come in from people saying, why don't do you do this story or that story, and I see it as a disservice or unkindness not to answer those questions. I should really do more, but always come up with an excuse not to do it. Which is pretty poor considering I've still got lots of ideas floating around to do stories, particularly with the new doctors, and we've got some new Doctor Who action figure sets coming out this year from B&M. 

To answer the queries and the messages coming in, I hope to do more, I haven't written it off completely, and I do have ideas going round for stories to do with various doctors, and some multi doctors stories as well, it's just finding the time in my schedule to fit it all in, because it's a lengthy process of filming and editing, it's time-consuming but rewarding at the same time. 

I guess you'll have to keep a look out to see what I'm likely to do in the foreseeable future.