Friday 20 July 2018

DOCTOR WHO: Series 11 Trailer 2018 - Jodie Whittaker and my thoughts

Hey everyone.

So this week, we have received something very special, a brand new trailer for Doctor Who series 11 which is happening at San Diego Comic Con which is happening right now. There has been a Doctor Who panel with Jodie Whitaker, Chris Chibnall, and other cast member attending. 

There was another teaser trailer that we got during half time of the world cup final which was fine, but I wanted more than fine, considering it was during the world cup and at a time when mainstream eyes would be on the show, this new trailer is for more dedicated fans. In this new trailer there is actual footage, there is something substantially different, and it's cool. It's good to see footage, we get a first look insight with the new team, although the only character talking in the trailer is the Doctor, (Jodie Whitaker), there are a lot of shots of the companions, there are a lot of shots showing the locations, establishing shots, I like the motel and the classic quarry, I'm hoping that the green sky in the trailer is actually green and not green screen that's yet to be faded out. 

The desert landscape looks really cool, I really like the cinematography, the directors have clearly shown up to play and its clean cut and edited well to keep viewers entertained and wanting more. 

It makes me look forward to the new series, I sincerely hope that everything goes well. 

Rumour has it that the Daleks will not be appearing in Series 11, but I'll do a separate post on that later.

Not keen on the new sonic screwdriver design, but it may grow on me.

I think right now, what we have is good, and much better than the teaser trailer.