Tuesday 31 July 2018

COMING SOON: DOCTOR WHO - Generation of the Daleks

Shortly after arriving in London 2018, the TARDIS is loaded onto a lorry and stolen. The Doctor, Kara, and Pip are forced into following a trail of clues, which in turn lead them to an antique shop, and then lead into a trap by one of the Doctor's oldest and deadliest adversaries. 

Transported back in time to 1908 by scientists Edmond Stevenson and Maximillian Robson, the Doctor discovers that the Dalek's are blackmailing Stevenson and holding his daughter and son prisoner, Kara tries to make a rescue bid, and Pip is manipulated into becoming part of Dalek technology. The Daleks seek out to gain "The Human Factor". But the Doctor fears that if the Daleks uncover this, then nothing will stop their ruthless ambitions.