Monday 16 October 2017

Injustice 2: TOMORROW - Lightning Strikes Twice! Raiden and Black Lightning


From the heavens of truth and light to the dark clouds of danger, Raiden and Black Lightning prove that lightning can indeed strike twice, as to be seen in tomorrow's Let's Play Injustice 2 video. 

Yes, I've decided to do a thunder double bill both with Raiden and his alternative premier skin Black Lightning. The reason for this is, whenever I do a gameplay video, I always like to mix it up and work with various different characters and with Raiden and Black Lightning still being fairly new, it makes sense to work more with them and get some really good, jam-packed action fights into my video for tomorrow, after a short three day break. 

I have done fights with them in videos before, but this will be the first video where I use both Raiden and Black Lightning. They won't be fighting each other, I'm not on doing a Raiden vs Black Lightning fight just yet, no, this is an opportunity for me to work with both Raiden and Black Lightning and work on my skills with them, because I don't think I've quite got around to properly assessing and trying out stuff with either of them, in order to get really good. Which is what I want to do, I want to be able to be satisfied to show my veiwers, I am comfortable with showing them I am at a good stage where I understand how to work with both Raiden and Black Lightning, and as they're the same character and have the same fighting techniques and moves, it shouldn't be too hard, I could do an hour and half worth of practice with Raiden and apply the same set of skills to using Black Lightning. 

What's great about using both of them is the fact that they are so good damage delivers, use them right and they do a lot of damage to the opponent, whoever that may be. I've always been interested in Black Lightning's design and his back story as to where he comes from and how he fits into the DC Universe, and Raiden is just awesome, you know, he's a thunder god, he shoots lightning from his hands, he can fly, he wears a bad ass hat that him look like a boss, I know certain people weren't happy and still aren't happy that Raiden's in this game, but as far as I see it, Netherrealm studios have announced that they're not going to announce anymore Mortal Kombat characters for Injustice 2, so why moan about it? I don't know why people complain? I'm someone whose very happy to see Raiden, and I was very excited to discover he was going to be in the game, so why should someone else negative opinion sh*t on my happiness and excitement because they're not happy he's in the game? 

So yes, that was just a quick announcement to say that I'm going to be using both Raiden and Black Lightning in tomorrow's Let's Play Injustice 2 video. I haven't done an Injustice 2 post for a while on this blog, which is why I felt it was appropriate to post one now. 

Enjoy the rest of your day and keep watching my videos, and I will see you for another blog post very soon.