Monday 31 July 2017

Either / Or?

Hey everyone.

So, last week I put up a post on my Twitter, asking you to send me some short questions to answer on whether I'd choose either/ or out a selection of two things which you recommended.

So, Number 1.

1. Toffee or Caramel? - Caramel.
2. Sausages or Bacon? - Sausages.
3. The Simpsons or Family Guy? - The Simpsons. They're both excellent shows, but ultimately I'd choose The Simpsons over Family Guy.
4. Beer or Cider? - Cider. I don't drink beer.
5. Jumpers or Sweaters? - Jumpers.
6. McDonalds or KFC? - KFC.
7. Onesie or a Snuggle Blanket? - Snuggle Blanket.
8. Summer or Winter? - Summer.
9. Red or Blue? - Red
10. Ed Sheeran or George Ezra? - Ed Sheeran. I love all of his songs at the moment.
11. Beans on Toast or Cheese on Toast? - Beans on Toast, every time. Maybe sometimes with grated cheese.
12. Blonde or Brunette? - Brunette.
13. Batman or Superman? - Batman.
14. The Muppets or Seaseme Street? - Muppets.
15. The Muppets or He Man? - Muppets.
16. Green or Yellow? - Green.
17. Fruit or Vegetables? - Fruit.
18. Tea or Coffee? - I love Tea. I drink both, but I prefer Tea.
19. Bowie or Queen? - Bowie
20. Doctor Who or Star Wars? - Doctor Who, Obviously.