Sunday 30 July 2017

Doctor Who Review: The Eaters of Light

Doctor Who Series 10 Episode 10 - The Eaters of Light

So, Eaters of Light. This review has been a while coming, so I apologise for the delay, the reason for this is because I became busy and fell behind and realised that I had three more episodes of series ten left to review. 

I'll only give a brief review of this one because, in my personal opinion, not much happens in it enough for me to comment on. It was written by Rona Munro who wrote 'Survival' for the seventh doctor. It was also the last story of the original run of episodes for Doctor Who. And now, she's been invited back to write a story for the new series.

It is always good to have a blast from the past and have a writer who wrote for the classic series back in over twenty-eight years. However, with all that being good and said with positive intentions, I really didn't see much going for this one. Which seems a shame because I thought this one had a lot of potential and had much going for it, but no. It was disappointing. 

For most parts it was slow and boring, the overall structure of the story was weak and the actual creatures themselves although they look impressive, I didn't really see much behind their back story. For instance, they feed on light but they're also afraid of it, how does that correlate? 

I did like all the mystery behind the story and what had happened to the roman army, and it was good to see emblems of the ancient history mix in with aliens. I also liked the settings for this and the location stuff was good. Reminiscent to stories like "The Time Meddler" and "The Mysterious Planet".

But the main question to ask is, would I bring Rona Munro back to write a story, just because I like "Survival" my answer is no probably not, and this is a simplistic example of that answer. 

I'll give it a 5/10.

Next Week: World Enough and Time.