Monday 21 November 2016

What kind of show do you want to see and the future of DANBURY Productions.

From 20 Questions - FYI, what kind of programmes do you want to see on my channel?

A drama? A science fiction show? a game show? documentaries?

Hey everyone.

This is just a quick update telling you what I would like to do on my channel in terms of what's to offer.

For those of you who are new to my channel, I base the kind of programmes I make based around my own tastes and interests and as it happens, I tend to have quite broad and quite simple tastes and as for my interests they provide me with the stuff to put on my channel and viewers tune in to watch the stuff I produce and that in turn earns me a subscriber or two. That's the goal, to get more viewers watching and make my channel stand out so I can get more subscribers. For some people, it's easier than others to gain subscribers to their channel. Next year, I will be celebrating nine years on YouTube and in 2018 I'll be celebrating ten years. That's incredible!

I was thinking the other day about the kind of originality that my projects have because I have all these nice ideas and most of the time they either don't work out or don't work out as well as I would like them to. And I've been thinking about what else can I do?

As you know, I have done a chat show and personal interviews on a one to one basis and now I am thinking about doing a Qi format type show and perhaps even a show like 15 to 1. Both of which are ideas are in the works and excite me very much. But I thought I might throw it over to you. This is your channel just as much as it is mine, so I started thinking, what sort of thing would you like to see on my channel, next year or in 2018. Let me know your suggestions and I'll keep working on how to come up with new, fresh original ideas which will connect with my own personal interests and other people's interests. Because that's how my Doctor Who work, for example, I like Doctor Who so I make Doctor Who videos and other people who also like Doctor Who will be likely to tune in and watch them.

It's also about selling it to your audience and knowing what an audience member wants based around your something you like as a starting point and expanding on that.

Which leads into the game show ideas. I'm a game show fanatic you can ask me anything when it comes to game shows, they're my thing. I love them. If I ever was to go into television I would want to work in game shows. But that is a strong subject area of mine. I love watching things like Qi and 15 to 1, Eggheads, The Cyrstal Maze and of course The Chase. So you ask me anything about game shows.

Game shows are a fun way of surveying factual entertainment, people love to have a show where they feel they are involved in it. The best game shows, make you feel as well watching the show you can play along with it. Which is great, it draws you into watching it. It comes down to the variety of the questions, the thrill of getting caught up in the game, what makes this show different to the others? playing along with the game and having a laugh along the way. That is an entertainment package. I always watch the game shows I like and feel "I'd love to do that" "I wish I was clever enough to come up with ideas like that" and now I'm researching into it, it seems like I want to take a new turn in developing a new kind of variety of shows.

Not just game shows, but I'm now talking about films in general and having a more broad way view into looking into what my audience wants. Not just from guessing based around my interests like I have been doing because I know that that way already works, and I've tried hard these past two years to try and make at least one different show every year. Now I want to do it on a broader scale and do more things like the stuff I'm doing already. So my channel is more like a TV channel but on the web.

Because if I ever had my own production company, that's what it would be a television website where we produce stuff we love that taps into other people's interests to draw in an audience and then go broader with the type of shows we produce. It makes good practice.

So it leaves me the question, what do you want to see? and what is the future of DANBURY Productions?