Friday 25 November 2016

Christmas and New Year and What does the future have in store for 2017?


It's now getting towards the end of November, and by next Thursday it will be the 1st of December, which will leave only roughly around three weeks left until Christmas and then after that we got New Year and before you know it 2016 will be over and we will be in 2017.

The first thing to point out is, where has all the time gone? I've come to terms with as I have got older and by older, I mean late teens/ early twenties I have found that life happens way too fast. The pace of life is just far too quick these days. I mean now, people are going on about Christmas and Mum is nagging us for Christmas lists and whereas I feel like "Shut Up!", "It's still November!" I don't even want to think about Christmas. Now don't get me wrong, it's that I don't like Christmas because I do. But it's like people can't wait for this year to be over.

Okay, granted, 2016 has not been the best year for some people. What with David Bowie and Alan Rickman both dying in the same week, Brexit, and Trump becoming President-elect to name a few examples. It's all been a lot to take in and get our heads round. But it's not all been that bad. Lots of good has come out of this year as well as the bad. It may not have been the best year ever, but certainly not been the worst. This year has not entirely lived up to the 20 shitsteen name that it has been credited for after Terry Wogan died.

But Christmas is fast approaching and you know what that means? Turkey, chocolate, presents and gifts, festive jumpers, all the old Christmas films that we love to watch and never get sick of year after year, and not to mention the Christmas telly which is good in parts and not so good in others. Yes, it's going to be another year. I have to say, I'm not looking forward to Christmas so much this year as I was last year, I don't start to feel very festive or Christmasy until a few days approaching Christmas day. And I know that for some people and some families, they can't wait to start celebrating and getting their trees up and decorations. Whereas for me and my family, we've actually got to the stage where we are beyond expecting presents from family members because they stopped years ago and we are fine with that because we don't really need presents.

It's like with Santa, he's this magical, mystical being that does good and brings joy to all the children on Christmas Eve but you grow up and work out he's not real. I mean how can one man go all around the world and deliver all those presents in one night. For one, the sleigh would be too heavy, his reindeer would probably die having to carry all that weight, he'd get stuck down a chimney, and you'd think that Santa would get worn out and tired. I would, I'd probably lose my mind having to do a job like that is highly unlikely that you will be able to pull off such a task. It's inhuman.  But it's all in the fun of the festive season and I suppose it's just there for the children to be excited about.

I don't even know what I want for Christmas this year, I've got everything I need and the people who know me well enough like my family and closest friends don't even need to ask me what I want. They should know we well enough to have the forethought to just buy something they think I would like and 99% of the time, they get it right. So I've just left it up to them for the last few years. Sometimes I'd write a short list, just to give them a few suggestions if they're really stuck, by they just end up buying me something completely different to what I asked for. And I'd be happy enough to just buy those things myself as it's much less hassle and besides you can write a list and put things on it, there is no guarantee you'll get every item on that list, so if you buy it yourself, that guarantees you'll get what you want.

I am looking forward to all the festivities and fun activities you do over Christmas. Like putting the Christmas tree up, buying presents and gifts for loved ones, wrapping them up, advent calendars (Yes, I still do them. I've treated myself because I've got a Lindt one this year) I'm going to the odd Pantomime or two. All the chocolate and drink I'm looking forward to, Christmas songs - you can't do Christmas without them. It's the only time of year where I pay attention to music and what is in the charts. I'm not bothered about listening to Paul McCartney's wonderful Christmas time for the thirteen thousandth, three hundredth and forty-seventh time, but who's keeping count? I love all that stuff, I think its great. As well as the rest of the festivities that go with it. It's all part of the excitement to get us all in mood in the lead up to Christmas day.

Last year, me, my sister and my parents ended up going to my sister's house for Christmas dinner and the chances are we'll end up doing that this year. Which is fine by me, because their house is bigger than ours, they can accommodate more people and her and her boyfriend cook a lovely Christmas dinner. And also every time we go round there we have lots of fun so I imagine the whole Bury/ Davidson clan will be there like last year and we'll probably play a few games to entertain ourselves during the evening.

Then we got New year. The only time of year where I'm not looking forward to. Because everyone has made up such a fuss about how shit this year has been, New year won't be celebrated properly. People probably can't wait for this year to be over, focussing on all the bad things that have happened and not paying any attention to the good. That's not what New Year's is about. New Year is about celebrating the year that's gone by and looking forward to this new year that we are going to with hope that will be as good or better than the last. Because we don't know what is to come out of 2017. We have no idea what's around the corner.

Which leads to my next point, what does the future have in store for 2017? Nobody knows for sure because no one can predict the future. I'd like to hope that people would stop moaning so much and poking about for things to complain about out of boredom. But I don't think that's going to happen. I'd like to think optimistically because I always think for the best, however, someone's always got something to complain about somebody and some things will happen like the Trump vote that we in the UK will have no control over and we will be outraged and crying over that. So yeah, I'm hoping for good things and we will some good over the bad and not so good. But in all truth remember this. "things are never as bad as they seem." - Harper Lee.