Sunday 6 November 2016

Class, Doctor Who Series Ten and Bill.

Hello Everyone

This is just a quick little blog or me talking about "Class", the new Doctor Who spin-off on BBC Three and Doctor Who series ten set to start in April of next year.

I'll start off by talking about Class, this all came about when the BBC said a few months ago that they were was going to be an important announcement at midnight. I had to get up early in the morning for work the next day, so I didn't bother to stick around to know what this big announcement was. To be perfectly honest, I had a feeling it wouldn't be something that would be of personal interest to me. The chances of it being something I wanted was very slim indeed. Nothing really excites me so much anymore. I don't tend to excited about most things to do with Doctor Who because I've come to terms with what to expect from the show now, as I don't think it will ever catch on what I think of Doctor Who again. Just from the way, television's moved on and from the way, audiences have moved on.

However, I can hope that things will change once Moffatt goes and Chibnell takes over, the show will start to take a fresh new turn for the best. I'm not looking forward to series ten and I'm not bothered about following any of the updates since I heard Matt Lucas was coming back as Nardole as a permanent companion then that did it for me, I wasn't bothered.

Going back to Class now, which is the subject I'm talking about. When I heard that Class was announced my first thoughts were... "Yeah, Ok?" and "What's all this about?" and then I heard that it was going to be a spin-off series set in Coal Hill School and I was like, yeah ok. And that was it. That was all I had to say on the matter, it neither interested or bothered me.

Time went by and I didn't even think about this, then a trailer was released. I watched the trailer with Peter Capaldi doing his routine of "I'm the doctor, I can't always be around when you need me" type thing and being all serious and doctor-ish. I started to think "Oh well, this could be interesting" I could tell that the vibes I was getting off it, just from watching that trailer was that it was trying to be like a mish-mash of Doctor Who, Charmed, and Buffy. With dark themes and added sci-fi elements to  it, which is fine, there are a few shows that have gone down that root and have actually turned out to be quite successful. But I, however, was a bit skeptical in terms of what to actually expect from Class and it was actually one of the reasons that puts me off watching it. I also don't like the name "Class" I don't think it's too simple. I would have preferred something like "Coal Hill Acadamy".  I don't like the cast either, I'm sure they're lovely people but I just don't like them and their look. It's a shame that Katharine Kelly's in it. She's a good actress and she's better than this. The whole thing just doesn't really do anything special for me.

Now that people I know have watched it or starting to watch and say things such as "Oh this is great" and "You've got to watch this" some people I know went to premier and said it was good. I just don't buy it. I'm not at all bothered by it at all. It's a shame because they say you can't criticise something you haven't read or seen. But In my case I'm not forming an opinion because there's nothing much for me to go on. I don't like the premise of it, I don't like the name, I don't like the cast, I don't like the advertising. There's too much of it which I don't like, so I'm not prepared to even give it a go. It's pointless is what it is.

As for Series Ten, again that all seems like it's not going to be very good from what I've seen about it. There's been nothing to grab my interests. As for the new companion Bill. Well, when I watched the trailer with her in it, with the Daleks. No offense to Pearl Mackie, because I'm sure that she is a lovely person, I've seen her in interviews and she seems like a nice person, but as soon as she started talking I was like "I don't like you". Which doesn't seem fair, but I just found her really annoying and I thought "Oh here we go". I liked the way she looked with the denim jacket, the funky shirt, the afro and the jeans with cuts in them. I think she gave off the look of something like Ace - funky 80's look. I also don't like how they made such a big deal about it.

The new companion will be announced during half time of the football, to make such a big announcement as to who it was going to be, I thought it had to be a very famous name, I was hoping for someone like Michelle Keegan who it was rumored to be. Then those titles come up "Introducing Pearl Mackie as Bill" I went "Who?" I had never heard of her before and again no offense to Pearl but I just thought "Why make such a big deal out of someone who is a nobody to me". I don't know who she is or seen her in anything before. She was not known to me. Following all the production photos of Series Ten, I'm not getting my hopes up for anything spectacular. I'll be glad to see Moffat go. But somehow I don't think Chibnall will be any better to quite honest, I don't evny him though. I wouldn't want to be in his position, because he has to come in after Steven and he has to fix everything that he's done.