Saturday 8 October 2016

Live Action Projects - Doctor Who & Sherlock Holmes

In July 2016, I did a question and answer session video, one of those questions was "What's in store from DANBURY Productions in the future?" and I said hopefully more live action dramas. I want to hold off from doing action figure stuff and make room for more live action stuff. 

Though this isn't anything official, in 2014 I released a live-action Doctor Who adventure - "The Android Invasion of Earth" and always looked back on it thinking - this was good, but I could always do better, and now I feel like I can do better and want to better. Which is why I want to do some more live action Doctor Who for a start. Nothing's official at this stage. I'm just putting it out there to say that this is something that I am interested in doing. 

However, with the idea in works that I would like to do some more live action Doctor Who there are few things that need to be considered, a few walls blocking my way and once I get passed those walls and solve those problems, then we should be good to go. I need to come up with story ideas, write the scripts, and then most importantly find people who are interested in doing it. All of those things can prove very difficult to do, the task is challenging but not impossible. The main issue which can make or break a drama of any kind is whether you cast it right and find the right people willing to do it. I think if I can get that more or less right, I'm pretty much there.  

A live action series would really be up my street, especially when you look at things like 
Doctor Who: The Classic Series Regenerated. If you haven't watched the trailer I suggest you do, it's on YouTube you can search for it, it's really easy to find. So an idea is out there that I wish to do it, the project is just starting to come to fruition. Keep an eye out for more updates very soon.

As well as that there is a matter of Sherlock Holmes as well, this is something I feel could work as a live- action drama and on audio. Like I do with my Doctor Who Audio Adventures, Holmes could make the microphone as it were and be on audio as well as live action. 

I'm a massive fan of crime thrillers and detective stories and Holmes is just the classic representation of crime thrillers and detective stories. I'm talking about the classic cases with Basil Rathbone playing Sherlock Holmes. The case is on, see if he can solve it. So keep a look out for mysteries and adventures to come with Sherlock Holmes. And if you haven't read or listened to the books I suggest you do.