Monday 10 October 2016

Doctor Who in 2017

Yes, it has come to that time where I start to talk about Doctor Who for 2017, and it's not even 2017 yet. So you're probably thinking, there are only twelve weeks of the year left and yet I'm doing a post which is me talking about next year preparations. Isn't it a bit soon for to be talking about next year? Some might argue yes, but all my stuff gets planned months in advance, so I like to keep things scheduled. It helps to be organized in terms of knowing what is happening when, and when it needs to be done by. So that being said there are six more stories left for this year, hopefully, I say hopefully because I am very busy with uni work and other work of my own so that must come first ahead of any other projects that I have got planned.

That being said, I would like to try and get some other stories done that are still on my lists of stories to complete, ideas I've got going around in my head for stories I'd still like to do. I've got lots of good ideas coming for Third and Fourth doctor stories. I want to do more with Hartnell and Troughton, I want to make use of the new Sixth Doctor figure that I've got, the new blue one from the thirteen doctors box set, new Eighth Doctor stuff, more Peter Davison stuff as well as stuff with the new doctors as well, so it all very exciting in terms content. Not to mention the Thirteen Doctors which will be happening in July with all the doctors. So when will all this be happening? when does it start? In answer to that question in what's to come it will be starting around the end of March or beginning of April. It will be around Easter time I should think. 

Which is why I thought I would lay the line out for stories coming next year. 

Doctor Who action figure adventures will start around the end of March/ beginning of April time and will run until October. I keep my fingers crossed on that one, do not just take my word for it. 

Audio Adventures, they will be coming back for a third series, with a slightly delayed start. The last two series started in January. Series Three will start in February 2017. The reason being is that the second half of Series two is about to air, and will finish around November. I've still got the Christmas show to write before I can even start on Series Three. I need to appoint writers to write stories, as well the scripts I'm writing with writers and writing by myself. It's a long process and hard work to do at times, so please be patient. Series Three will be starting in February 2017. I'm doing another twelve stories, same as this time around, and there will be more two-parters in Series Three. 

As well as that on Saturday I announced that I would like to do some more live action Doctor Who. That is all unconfirmed at the moment, right now it is just an idea I have got going in my head that I would like to do some more live action Doctor Who. Hopefully, it will happen soon, there are just a few things that I need to sort out first before I confirm things are a Yes or a No. But just keep posted with that, and keep a look out for more updates as there will be more information to come. I'll keep posting weekly updates on where I am with stuff.

Apart for that, that is really all I can say right now. I haven't released any schedules or titles for stories because I need to fit everything according to the dates I have in my calendar. 

Thanks very much guys, and I hope you keep enjoying my videos.