Monday 8 August 2016

DOCTOR WHO : 2016/17

Hi everyone.

Just a quick Doctor Who update for you. 

As you may have seen in my latest updated schedule I'm doing seven more stories this year, which will make eight all together. I'll take a short break over christmas and then start again in around about March/April time. 

With the new thirteen doctors set announced and the new B&M third doctor from Invasion of the Dinosaurs, there are some exciting new versions of doctors suddenly available that I will be eager to use in stories, so its made action figure adventures all the more exciting. 

As for Audio Adventures Series 3. Ideas are floating around for stories, doing another thirteen stories like the last two series. They should be out around Christmas/ January time. Can't say much about this series now, because there is stuff still yet to be confirmed. 

All in all things are looking good and editing is well underway. 

Thanks again for watching and taking an interest, it means a lot. 

More updates to be released upon request.