Monday 22 August 2016

COMING SOON : Hostages of the Daleks

OUT IN 2017

Synopsis: A year has passed after the doctor foiled the Sycorax plans to invade the earth, and since then Abi Miller has not even thought about the doctor, she has carried on with her life as if nothing has changed. Until now, when she is kidnapped and taken hostage by another alien spices called the Daleks. The Daleks take a small group of earthlings hostage as part of the Emperor Dalek's plan to trap the doctor and the master.

The Daleks send a message to the doctor to surrender and give himself up on the planet of Zarnon Five. If he doesn't the earthlings will be exterminated. The Doctor and The Master come up with a plan to save Abi and the others from the daleks, they land on Zarnon Five, only to find that there is a massive dalek production project going on there and the people on Zarnon Five have become slaves.

It then becomes a race against time to help the people of Zarnon Five and rescue Abi and the others from the clutches of the Dalek Supreme's task force, before it's too late and the doctor becomes a slave to the daleks forever.


The Ninth Doctor returns for another adventure with Abi Miller and The Master who has in his service. This time, they are up against The Daleks. The Doctor's greatest enemy. In a race against time to rescue Abi Miller and other earthlings from The Dalek Supreme's task force who have them kept hostage on the planet Zarnon Five. This all part of a plan by the Emperor Dalek to lure the doctor and the master into a trap, playing on the doctor's weakness of compassion and care for Abi Miller.

The Doctor arrives on Zarnon Five to discover and even bigger problem is at hand. The daleks have invaded the planet and made the people of Zarnon Five their slaves. So the doctor has to save them as well. But all the while, there's another dalek plan going on to trap the doctor which he doesn't know about.

It's been a year since the doctor stopped the Sycorax from taking over earth, with help from Abi Miller and The Master. Now he faces a greater challenge with the Daleks, who are a much greater threat. Especially for what I've got planned. This story was originally set to happen in 2017.