Saturday 6 February 2016

DOCTOR WHO : An Introduction to The Vixen Elite


SYNOPSIS: The TARDIS arrives on the campus of Cambridge university, some of the students seem to be smarter than they are letting on. It turns out that the students that undertake certain classes are coming out to be super intelligent. How does that sound suspicious? Its suspicious when the students are being brain washed to build a rocket ship armed with a nuclear device which if timed correctly will blow up the moon. but why does someone want to destroy the moon? that someone is a ruthless time lady and scientist known as 'The Vixen' but will the doctor realise the vixen's hand before her trap is sprung? 

NOTES: It all began with an email from Jamie Harrison. He asked me if I was interested in doing a story along the lines of a renegade time lady posing as a college professor, planning to blow up the moon and she was seeking help from students from the college who she was making super intelligent. And I was absolutely fascinated, what a lovely, compelling idea. It sounded a bit like Time and the Rani meets School Reunion. I sorted it out with Jamie that if he provided the outline and the story breakdown I would write it.

I decided to make up a new villain time lady character, I didn't want to use the Michelle Keegan Master as she would be coming back later in the series. And I didn't want it to be the Rani. I remember being influenced by the vixen on the chase and decided why not use those characteristics in a doctor who and develop a story from within that. 

Once that was in place the whole story just flowed really, the script writing process was very easy and now all that is needed to do is record it and edit it.