Saturday 8 December 2018

One Foot In The Grave - My Top Five Favourite Episodes

I don't believe it! Yes, it's that famous comedy from the 90's we all love and to some people "One Foot in the Grave" is one of the comedy classics that's up there with Father Ted, Fawlty Towers, and Only Fools and Horses.

As I've been revisiting this series, I thought it might be quite fun to point out my top five all-time favourite One Foot in the Grave episodes and explain a little as you why I like them so much. I mean, every episode of that series is brilliant in its own way, they are all so very well written and acted out, but there are just those ones which I can't get enough of, that stick out in my mind amongst the rest and just want to watch over and over again. So here they are. And if you don't know what One Foot in the Grave is, it's a comedy about a grumpy retired man called Victor Meldrew who moans about life. So go and watch it, it's great. 

Number 5: "One Foot in the Algarve" - This is the classic Christmas special where Victor, Margaret, and Mrs. Warboys go on holiday to Portugal and just experience the holiday from hell. It's just one misfortune after another. A key comedy moment which is why this episode is in my top five was when they think they're being arrested and taken to a prison cell and it turns out to be their villa. I just remember laughing so much no sound came out, and I don't laugh like that at today's comedy. It's a testament to how good a writer David Renwick is and how he can make the most unfortunate of misfortunes hysterically funny. 

Number 4: "The Trial", Series 4 Episode 5 - This is the great episode of Mr.Victor Meldrew all on his own stuck in his house because he is on call for jury service. This was one I was watching the other day. This is a good one to watch, being a fan of Richard Wilson and how well he plays Victor. To do an episode, thirty minutes with just one character can be boring and tedious and this isn't. I see it as a wonderful divine exercise in trial and error from the title of the episode it gives you a hint. I love this one so much for Richard Wilson. Could watch him play Victor Meldrew for an hour on his own. 

Number 3: "Heart of Darkness", Series 4 Episode 3 -  A trip to the countryside that goes wrong. This one comes to mind for three simple words "evil, loathsome, bastard!" 

Number 2: "Timeless Time", Series 2 Episode 6 -  In this one, Victor is unable to sleep and ensures that Margeret also gets no peace. Things get so desperate that he even contemplates opening Ronnie and Mildred's Christmas present from last year. This is a very funny episode with a lot of laughs and it's just two characters, you're attention relies on the strength of the two main characters taking you through the next thirty minutes or so. It's a bit like The Trial, there are lots of things that can go wrong with that, but I love this one for the scene at the end, despite its faults one thing that I think One Foot in the Grave does really well is it portrays drama really well. In serious moments you feel the emotion of the scene. It's very well acted by Richard Wilson and Annette Crosbie.

So what is my Number 1 episode of "One Foot in the Grave"?

Number 1: "The Beast in the Cage", Series 3 Episode 4 - This is Richard Wilson's and Annette Crosbie's favourite too. The one stuck in the traffic jam. It's a testament to how great David Renwick's writing is and his comedy. The scene where Mrs.Warboys gets back in the car. She's been to the toilet, she doesn't appear in the episode until then, it's very funny. Victor's being a grumpy git as per usual, Margaret is trying to be patient and put up with it whislt their stuck in gridlock traffic and not moving at all, all the while stuck behind a trailer looking up a horses's bum. 

It's always a joy to watch those episodes over and over again and still enjoy them, everytime.

Very quickly, I think as a bonus trump card, I would also say the 1990 Christmas Special "Who's Listening" that's one I've watched back a few times.

But they're all brilliant. If you haven't seen One Foot in the Grave, I suggest you watch it.