Tuesday 11 December 2018

DOCTOR WHO - Resolution : New Years Day Special - Thoughts on the trailer

Hey everyone

There a few thoughts and theories that are going around in people's head after the release of the official trailer for the Doctor Who New Year's Day special which we now know is going to be called "Resolution" which is kind of apt, New Year's resolutions and all of that.

Anyway, what I love about the trailers this year, is the fact that they reveal enough to get us as viewers excited without giving too much away. This one seems to me to be a real tease. One of which I can probably guess what the outcome is having been a fan of the show for as long as I have, I can hazard a pretty good guess great threat is, and what evil threatens the doctor, her companions, and earth.

These are just a few pointers to consider.

1. We were told there would be no old monsters returning in this year's series. However, this year's series is now finished and the New year special is in the new year hence this statement is not in effect.


2. The Doctor mentions that this threat is the most dangerous creature in the universe and the look of dread on the Doctor's face when Graham asks her if it has a name shows me that it can only be one thing.

I just hope I'm right.