Saturday 23 December 2017

Q&A session - 23rd December

Hello everyone.

I've had a few questions come in about a few projects I'm doing and I thought I might address those for you.

The first question concerns the Doctor Who Audio special which I've got coming out in December when is that getting released, we haven't had a date set for that - The reason there has been no date yet is because I don't want to set a date and have a target set to meet and then be too busy to not meet that target and have people be disappointed that the episode wasn't out on the day that I said it would be. I'm working on recording the episode soon to have editing start the day after recording so that it can be uploaded as soon as possible. It will be up sometime next week, just not sure what day.

The second thing was about The Chase. I know I said I wasn't doing anymore and now I am so it gets a bit confusing, but all you need to know is, I am doing more, The Chase is back on for the moment.

Am I doing a Christmas show? - Yes, I am, but this year there is only one chaser doing it. And the identity of that chaser will be revealed in the episode when it comes out.

Thirdly was about Eggheads if I was still planning on carrying on with that as well as The Chase and there are still plans to do more Eggheads in the future.

Batman videos, I know I said I would do more Batman, but just haven't had the time, same goes with Doctor Who Action Figure videos, I have been so busy this year I've had no time to even think about coming up with story concepts. It's been mad. But I'd like to think it's the end and maybe do more next year if the right idea for the right story comes along.