Sunday 17 December 2017

Gameplay videos - Back in January


Today marked the uploads of my last two let's play gameplay videos for this year.

Mortal Kombat XL Season 4 and Injustice 2 Season 2 let's play gameplay videos came to an end. But all is not over. Mortal Kombat and Injustice 2 will both be back again next year when the series resumes in January.

And we've got so much stuff to look forward to, especially for Injustice 2 because we have Enchantress and the Ninja Turtles coming out as part of Fighter Pack Three so it'll be very interesting to see how they both work into the game, also rumours speculating about the possibility of a fighter pack four? who knows, I've learnt with rumours now, not to go around beliving anything you hear or read, not unless there is a substantial source to back that rumour up. 

For the moment, I'm lead to belive there is still lots in store to look forward to with Injustice 2, however in the new year I am hoping to get back into playing Injustice : Gods Among Us and hopefully get back into Assassin's Creed as I know I've been on a break from that for quite a while and should think about getting ahead with that and recording some videos for that too. Let's see what happens.

Anyway, that's all until next year.

Might possibly expect some Mortal Kombat and Injustice 2 stuff in my advent calendar in the last remaining days leading up to Christmas, but apart from that gameplay videos and let's play videos are done.

Thank you so much for all the support you've shown throughout. It means a lot and I'm glad you enjoy watching my videos just as much as I enjoy making them, the time doesn't go to waste.

Be sure to put in any suggestions you might have for me to make my videos better or ways to improve, I have thought of introducing live gameplay videos in the future once I get my web cam set up.

I'll be sure to keep you updated.

Thank you and Merry Christmas!