Thursday 30 November 2017

Doctor Who - The Eighth Doctor Adventures : Series One

Guess whose back?

The Eighth Doctor returns for four brand new adventures in February.

Now that the announcement has been made about Doctor Who coming back next year, I thought it might be a little insightful to let you all know that the Eighth Doctor will be making a return in four brand new adventures featuring a new companion, and some new and old enemies. 

The series will begin pre production and filming in December with post production / editing set to start in January. The series will be set to be released in February 2018 and will run from Saturday 3rd - Saturday 24th February. So four stories over the course of four weeks with one story each week, the number of episodes vary, stories range between three - four episodes in length. 

A teaser trailer will be up soon, to get you in the mood and start the launch for the series. 

More updates and full story synopsis to come soon.