Tuesday 14 June 2016


This isn't the sort of thing that I was expecting to be blogging about today. I was expecting to tell you all about a new Doctor Who toy set coming out this Summer from B&M, but the attack that has happened in Orlando has really upset me. 

I heard of this news when a friend of mine posted a picture on her Facebook of the gay pride flag, which said underneath it Love is Love. Her comment on the picture was this, and I quote "Killing people because they’re gay. WTAF?!

There I was, thinking that people/generations/communities etc were becoming more accepting of same sex relationships and then comes along Omar Mateen and slaughters 50 innocent people in a gay club! Such madness. Such evil. And so unbelievably sad.
 And just a thought, why do we apply ’gay’ and ‘lesbian’ labels anyway? Is there a label for someone who only fancies brunettes? Or someone who only fancies tall people? I don't think so. We should all just be able to love who we love. Peacefully."

I liked and commented on her photo, later it is talked about in more detail on the news at 6pm. Me, my mum and my sister were watching and just knowing that someone actually walked in to a gay night club and actually killed forty nine people. 

I just makes me feel very sad for the people who have lost their lives, and for the families who I don't know who have lost their loved ones. 

I think it's appalling that still in two thousand and bloody sixteen, still there is gay and lesbian prejudice going on in the world today. People still feel the need to show their ignorance and question whether or not a man walking into a gay nightclub with a automatic rifle and committing mass murder is actually homophobia. 

With gay pride happening this month, this should be a time for gays to feel good about themselves, let them be who they are. Gay people should stay true to themselves, live in an accepting and appreciative world, not live in fear and feel the need to hide away. Words can not describe it, it is just despicable, unacceptable and unbelievable to think that someone could do something like that just because of people's sexuality. May I point out that people do not choose to be gay, people do choose to hate, buy assault weapons, seek out innocent targets and commit mass murder. It's completely unjustified and unfair. Gays and Lesbians are people too. They are not outcasts or inhuman subjects to point and laugh at. It's 2016! Why can't we just all get along and be more understanding towards these things, eh? Some people are Gay. So what? they're not doing anything wrong apart from loving someone of the same sex. 

I have gay friends and an uncle who is gay, there just about as normal as someone like me who has Aspergus syndrome. People lash out and mock things that they don't understand. I feel perplexed as to why we feel the need to go to such extreme lengths that we need to hate gays and resort to killing and mass murder. what is the point? what do you stand to achieve? the people who died in that nightclub wanted to live, they did nothing wrong, they were ordinary people living their lives and they had their lives so cruelly and harshly taken away by homophobia. The reason why this upsets me so much is because I don't understand why this had to happen and for such pointless a reason. 

I am currently performing in a play that addresses gay prejudice, and the character that I play is a young gay man, who is scared of coming out who is in every sense of the word 'a nervous gay'. In all honesty I feel quite happy to playing a gay person, even if I am not gay myself. The storyline that my character is involved in in the play shows that it is okay to be who you are, you shouldn't be afraid to be who you are and that we should be a bit more understanding and accepting of the fact to let gay people be who they are and don't judge them. I don't know why people are so against it? I really don't. 

Especially when there have been significant signs of things moving forward, for instance, if you look back to 2013, gay people couldn't get married in Britain. Now they can. Now to learn of something like this happening, it is almost like we as species are taking one step forward and then two steps back. So in four years we haven't really learnt anything at all. 
Also for the inevitable loathsome statements from the NRA blaming everyone except themselves, please USA sort this out. If anyone's instinct is to deny this was a homophobic attack, please, in the politest terms fuck off!

On a similar matter I read somewhere about the church disapproving gays, saying if you're gay you won't get into heaven? what sort of bollocks is that? not only is that ridiculous but it is completely stupid. If God is this all loving, all forgiving, mighty being but then turns around and goes "Oh no, you're not coming in because you're Gay!" what kind of a God does that make him or it? a hypocrite. It's perfectly apparent. 

This was a target attack on gay people, the killer was narcissistic driven by hate and rage and he wanted to kill, he wanted to destroy lives. So that's what he did. What his reasons for wanting to do that were, I don't know. 

The point I want to make from all of this is, people are who they are. I sure am who I am. I get up in the morning and fully appreciate the enjoyment of living a day of human existence. Explaining my love for the music of David Bowie, or my passionate love for Doctor Who, or my drive for being a quiz fanatic. Like it or not we are all products, we are all born with an expiry date. We make our lives what they are through our choices; once you've made those choices there is no going back. No one can undo the damage that has been done in Orlando, nor bring back the people that have died but what we can do is learn to live with it. Hopefully we can draw things to a peaceful conclusion and put an end to this dangerous madness. 

Thank you very much.