Saturday 7 May 2016



In April 2016, seven books from the Doctor Who target range were released worldwide featuring the original cover art work from the original books. The books consist of one story from each of the classic seven doctors. These stories were : The Web Planet with William Hartnell, The Web of Fear with Patrick Troughton, Invasion of the Dinosaurs with Jon Pertwee, Genesis of the Daleks with Tom Baker, The Visitation with Peter Davison, Vengeance on Varos with Colin Baker and Battlefield with Sylvester McCoy.

I for one am very excited about this news because I wasn't expecting it. When I heard about in this months latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine, I was captivated by reading the article on the target books. resurrecting the most beautiful art used for the Doctor Who book covers. 

As someone who didn't grow up reading these books, it will be very interesting for me to get a glimpse of what the fans of the classic era had when before videos came out all they ever really had were these books, which are similar representations of the story you see on television but adapted slightly so its not quite the same story. 

The books feature the original and new artwork from the visionary artists Chris Achilleos. 



Introducing the Doctor Who Book Project.

In my excitement of hearing about these books, in collaboration with other doctor who fans, I have decided to put together an audio base projects which I like to call the Doctor Who Book Project and I'm very excited about it. The plan is that I buy all seven books and have a guest speaker read them out like an audio tape.

The Cast is as follows
1st Doctor - Doctor Who and the Zarbi : Daniel Bury (Me)
2nd Doctor - Doctor Who and the Web of Fear : James Carpenter
3rd Doctor - Doctor Who and the Dinosaur Invasion : Scott Goodman
4th Doctor - Doctor and the Genesis of the Daleks : Sophie Marie Scanlon
5th Doctor - The Visitation : Melissa Collier
6th Doctor - Vengeance on Varos : Dominic Greenwood Martin
7th Doctor - Battlefield : Jonathan Miles

These audio based readings will start soon on my channel and I hope to release one story once a month starting from this month leading us into November. The stories will be realised in no particular order, a story will just be released when it gets released, but I will be sending out updates about this project on this blog to let you know about what story is coming out each month. 

(More Updates to be released upon request)