Tuesday 9 June 2020

My top tips on how to do well in Kombat League in Mortal Kombat 11!

Hi everyone.

I hope you've had a nice weekend, and a good start to the new week. I certainly have, this morning I reached 'Master' rank in Kombat League. The new online season for Mortal Kombat started just last week where all players start at the bottom of the board as an apprentice and compete to climb up the ranks to be at the best rank they want to be at.

Many players always strive to get at least Grand Master, but aim high to reach one of the top three God ranks - Demi God, God, and Elder God.

In this little blog post today, I'm going to share with you some of my top tips on how you can aim high and achieve your goals and targets in Kombat League.

An important thing to remember is Kombat League is just a game, and although some players can trigger frustration and anger, it isn't worth getting cross over. You'll have good days and bad days playing Kombat League, at the end of the day it's a contest and every contest in competitive.

It's the drive and the player's desire to win that motivates them to play on, on a good day you get a buzz out of winning whereas on a bad day you feel so fed up with it you want to stop playing all together.

An example of this is, last Sunday was a really bad day for me, I lost most of my matches and was spammed a lot by players who just played very cheaply just to get the win and a few extra points. It can be incredibly frustrating and annoying but it's important to not take it personally. With every match there has to be a winner and a loser.

I would say if you want to do well in Kombat League -

Be Persistent - It's important on any day to have perseverance with what you're doing, however good or bad you or the other player is playing. It's the motivation that drives you forward and up the ranks, and keep going. Take some time to practice in a training session or in a tower match, and practice makes absolute perfect.

Be Patient - Some people who play Kombat League are not nice people and they don't play fairly or by the rules, they have tactics and spam you with the same moves which take away most of your health bar. It's important to have patience and block their moves if you can and wait for a chance to escape and strike them down.

Get Lucky - This isn't something anyone can teach you, you just have to hope that your opponent will mess up or does something that provides opportunity for you to strike and punish them for their mistake. I have won so many matches based on luck and chance. I think without the luck, you don't have much of a chance of reaching anything above Grand Master rank.

Skill - Skill comes with it too, how you are as a player and how you like to play, skill is what will defeat your opponent. One fighters knowledge of a character's fighting technique. And pick the right character, every character in Mortal Kombat is deadly, just be aware of their strengths and how you can use those strengths to your advantage over your opponent. Pick a character or characters you feel absolutely comfortable playing.

Ultimately it'll be the skill, the luck, and the perseverance that will get you places.

Apprentice to Master in a week is an achievement in itself, I'm hoping to reach Demi God by the end of the season.