Saturday 27 June 2020

Mortal Kombat 11 - Kombat League Seasons So Far : Part One - Seasons 6 - 8


Hello again,

In this second part I discuss my own experiences and thoughts on Kombat League seasons 6 - 8.

SEASON 6 - Season of Konquest (December 2019 / January 2020)

Season of Konquest focussed on players earning black and gold skin types for Outworld characters. Geras being the odd one out, but this was mostly for Outworld characters. Personally, I feel they should have replaced Geras with either Baraka or Shao Khan as he sticks out like a saw thumb in this Outworld themed season.

Again when I saw the ladder and the board for this season I wasn't at all surprised to see Geras at the top. There is an on going theme with kombat league where the character skin I want the least or least interested in happens to be at the top of the ladder.

I wasn't overly impressed by this season if I'm being honest, apart of me didn't feel as motivated or keen to want to play or win any of the rewards there were on offer, which is why I think I performed to the bear minimum to get the Kotal Kahn skin. All the other skins I just wasn't that bothered with.

Due to lack of motivation and commitment I only won two skins and achieved my lowest score to date having just scraped through to Champion level.

Looking back on it, I wish I was that more motivated and performed better. But like most people I have a full time job and just do not have the time to be sitting on my console playing kombat league. The players that do well are the ones that have more time on their hands and spend hours and hours of time perfecting, practicing, and working on their craft.

SEASON 7 - The Season of Death (January / February 2020)

Season 7 has to be my favourite skin set so far, as it allows players to play for revenant skins of characters players like Jax, Cassie, Johnny Cage, Sonya all characters that we thought about and imagined as revenants had now become a possibility and if anything for me marked as a big encouragement to play with characters I don't normally play with.

I think for me, the season missed a trick by not having Sub Zero revenant skin. That would have been really cool. Johnny Cage is all well and good but the sun glasses cover up the red eyes. I like to see the red eyes.

Just like with Season 3 this season offers another roles reversed scenario which plays on the imagination of the player. Out of all of these revenant skins my least favourite was Sonya and would you believe it Sonya was at the top. I really wanted Jax. I wanted Jax's revenant skin the most out of this set and was really surprised to see how easy it would be for me to get it.

I didn't have any major strategy, I just wanted to get higher than Champion rank or go that little bit extra than I had done before to show to myself a testament to want to do better, to improve at the game whilst climbing the ranks at the same time and with consistency I earned the rank of Master.

SEASON 8 - Season of Greed (January / February 2020)

After Season 7, I thought Season 8 was a bit of a let down when I first saw these skins. We have a gold and white colour scheme going on, two out of four character it doesn't really suit. Noob is a dark character so gold and white doesn't suit him and I'm just not that keen on the gold and white for Sub Zero either. It doesn't sit well with me.

Other characters like Shang Tsung, Kano, or even Kollector would have benefited more from a gold and white skin I feel. For a season that's called 'Season of Greed' greed is very much what those three listed characters are about, all of which are greedy for different things.

I liked Shao Kahn the most and wondered why has it taken so long for us to see a kombat league skin set for this character, but better late than never. Jade's skin I liked and was pleased to see that she was at the bottom of the ladder, and extremely grateful that you didn't have to achieve god ranks to get Shao Kahn's skin set. Which comes back to a matter of fortune for me that the character skin I'm least interested in is at the top of the ladder so there is no desire for me to even attempt to touch the top three ranks.

As for the bonus rewards, I thought they were quite cool what was on offer and I managed to get what I could, again like with season six there wasn't that spark of motivation or interest for me to want to play on or achieve anything higher than what I had to to get what I wanted out of this season, so all in all this was a bit of a disappointment.

That concludes this second part, join me next time for Part Three when I discuss seasons 9 - 11.