Wednesday 7 November 2018

DOCTOR WHO REVIEW: The Tsuranga Conundrum

Written By Chris Chibnall
Directed By Jennifer Perrott

Mixed thoughts on this episode of Doctor Who. It's one of those cases where a lot was said but not much happened. Character development was good but unbalanced, some bits were sweet, others a bit too dragged out. Yaz was horrendously underused in comparison to Graham and Ryan, and Chibnall though he has a really a great grasp on making people, his villains aren't so great. And a bit too much exposition.
The episode wasn't bad per say, but... Meh.  I haven't yet seen an episode this series that I haven't liked, but at the same time, no episode has yet wowed me or really shocked me. I haven't felt after watching an episode "wow! that was a bloody good story" so the wow factor is yet to come.

We're halfway through the series now, Hopefully, now the next five episodes can offer a bit more excitement and I can find that wow factor that I'm searching for.

I would say that The Tsuranga Conundrum gets a 6/10.