Friday 30 December 2016


Doctor Who Audio Adventures are back in the sping of 2017 I've decided to move it to Saturdays as that seems to be the better slot to fit things in, and I've got nothing else to fill the gap with there being no new Doctor Who to upload until April, which by that time, hopefully, this series would have finished.

Twelve episodes confirmed for the new series, which is comfortable. I'm very happy with the diversity and range of different stories we got coming in this year and I'm very excited to get this series underway.

What to expect?

Lots of new monsters and some old ones as well coming back, we got Daleks, Sontarans, and Ice Warriors as well as demon monks, soul stealing ghouls and robots to say the least. lots of great prospects in store for the series which will excite the viewers with what I hope to be clever, passionate and imaginative storytelling.

Some new writers coming in, some of which have messaged me and asked to have a go at writing stories. Which is great. I always welcome new writers, some of which are females. My friend Katharine who is writing episode eight is a student, hoping to be a journalist and also loves writing her own short science fiction stories. She's not a Doctor Who fan, but she likes science fiction. So new writers, always welcome just get in touch and we can have a chat. 

Expect the doctor to get a lot darker, as the series goes on the events that occur will shape him into kind of person I want him to become for the next series after this one. He's darker and more mysterious, the kind of feel I'm going for is something along the lines of the early Hartnell days and to make the doctor quite and unlikable and less caring character. So lots of good to stuff to come and really looking forward it.