Monday 30 December 2019

What's in store for 2020?

What's in store for 2020?

As another year soon draws to a close, a whole new year approaches, as does a whole year's worth of fresh content.

This blog post explores some of the upcoming project yet to come for 2020.


I know, I keep promising that this will come back and then don't deliver. 

The truth of the matter is, I haven't had the time to do a 2019 series as I had originally hoped. I was occupied with new, exciting, and more important things. 

Now that I have more free time on my hands come the new year, I now have some time to write and develop scripts and tell the stories I want to tell. I can't give you an exact date as to when they'll be coming out, but what I can tell you is once I have a set of stories lined up, I will release a proper in depth episode guide which will have all the details of each episode and when you can expect them to be uploaded.


I have decided to wind down with this. By that I mean, do fewer episodes. Series 9 will only consist of eight episodes, and that's your lot for 2020. 

I'm planning to start production on this in late March, so that the first few episodes can go out in April, then they'll be gaps between episodes which will grow given the seasonal events in which episodes will be uploaded suitable to the time that those events take place. 

I am pleased that series 8 was so well received, but 16 episodes was a bit much, even when you do break it up into two blocks of 8. 


This includes Mortal Kombat and all the Playstation videos / gameplay etc. That should all still be coming as planned. It's the only content which I can guarantee to deliver on at this time as that takes the least amount of time and preparation work to put together. It doesn't rely on having to do any filming or recording whatsoever. I record off the console and upload it from the console as my playstation is linked to my YouTube account. 

So fear not, new and exciting things to come from January as far as gameplay videos are concerned. 


I am also hoping to get some new recording equipment so I am able to do produce more new and exciting content. I can't reveal what type of content just yet as I'm still working that out but it will be a mix of reviews, day trips, vlogging, etc. 

So all that and more to come within the next twelve months.

I'll still be doing my radio show and maintaining to complete my apprenticeship I'm working on at the moment but all in all very excited for what's to come in the new year and I hope you will all enjoy  what I have in store.

I'd like to thank everyone who has supported me for the last ten years, as long as there are people who continue to watch and enjoy what I do on YouTube, I will not stop to continue to make my channel better than before.