Tuesday 31 December 2019


So here we are, the last blog post of 2019.

At this time of year, I like to stop, reflect, and take stock.

In summary, I've had a really great, self reflecting, and observational twelve months in which I have experienced love, friendship, and downtime. 

I really only have very few people to mention in this review, because without these people, 2019 would have ended up being a very different year for me all together.

I first of all want to start with my wonderful managers at work, who took me on as their apprentice and have supported me for the last twelve months and will continue to support me as I continue into the new year. 

Secondly, to the programme controller at Radio Verulam who granted me the slot that I needed to kick start a fun, creative, and topical chat show on local radio and to develop a skill and career in broadcasting. It's great as it becomes like a working hobby, you go there to work and to put on the best show possible each week at the same time learning along the way and getting paid with something I think is more valuable than money, experience. 

And last but certainly not least, a big thank you goes out to my girlfriend Chloe. Being with her, I have known so much love, joy, and appreciation for one person. You've been a good friend to me throughout the year and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

If I had any advice for anyone going into the new year, it's "Work hard and be kind"

Happy New Year everybody!