Tuesday 30 January 2018

Question and Answer session - Tuesday 30th January 2018

Hello everyone.

Welcome to another question and answer session.

A few weeks ago, I asked people who follow me on Twitter to send me some of their questions they wish to ask me, and I will try and answer them as best as I can.

There are few questions about my gameplay videos and what's coming up and what's to be expected, so I think I'll try and answer those sorts of questions all in one answer.

So, here we go.

I am as of this moment, looking for new and exciting things to try out in my gameplay videos and basically doing things which I have never tried before and would like to or think it would be cool to do that, like certain brutalities in Mortal Kombat, Raiden's power discharge is a very hard combo for me to do, but I've been practicing and I am getting better at performing that move, so I'm looking to try that out in a future video with Raiden.

I'm looking to do more one on one matches in Injustice 2, such as Green Arrow vs Red Arrow or Green Lantern vs Gold Lantern, just to make things a bit more interesting and just to mix things up a bit.

Always trying to get better with characters I'm not familiar with or characters I'm not as good as others. I mean, I'm a much better Raiden player than I am a Quan Chi player for example or Sonya Blade and Mileena for example, there are some great gamers out there like Lostygirl who know how to play with those characters so effectively, I do not. I just can't seem to find my feet with characters I don't normally play with, and I think that's because I'm too much of a play it safe kind of gamer and just stick to the characters I'm good at.

I feel that my best character in Mortal Kombat is Sub Zero and my best character in Injustice 2 is Batman, and I play with them a lot, I definitely need to get out my comfort zone a bit more and learn new skills and combo moves for characters I don't normally play with, Deadshot and Poison Ivy in Injustice 2 I definitely feel I need to improve on, and that can only happen if I practice and if I'm persistent with it.

So I'm planning to push the boat out a bit more creatively with some of my choices and hopefully, that will get my videos more views.

What are you planning to achieve with YouTube in the future?

No different to what I've been doing for the last nine years, I just do the videos I enjoy and base the content of what I put on my channel on my own tastes and interests, and that seems to get a good audience or has been as lots of people watch my videos with high regard so I'm told. I'm not planning to do things that will drastically change the way people view my channel, I'm not going to do makeup tutorials or stuff like that, there are vloggers out there that do great videos based on that, however, that's not me or what I do on my channel, I'm more an independent film maker who wants to make short films and expand my creative attributes through the medium of multiplatform as that is what people do in this day and age.

You've talked about filmmaking in the past, what films have you done and do you want to continue being an independent filmmaker?

Before I went to university, I made a live-action Doctor Who film on a budget of basically nothing and only three actors with myself included, on a small SONY camera, and even though that was a good experience and I really enjoyed directing a piece of my own work which I had written, I'd love to expand more and actually make better films, with much more advanced equipment and with better quality, I want to buy a new camera, I want to buy new sound recording equipment and possibly some lighting equipment as well, I think that would really help me to become the kind of filmmaker/director I want to be. It all depends on having the right idea and if you can run with that to create something fantastic which you think people will enjoy.

Ideally, I'd like to write and direct my own films and enter them into film festivals.

The films I have made professionally that I have to my credit are all the ones I did whilst on my university course. I did a film and tv production degree and on that course, I learned most if not everything I needed to know about that industry and how to make films, and in some cases that really helped me because there's always stuff you don't know and the mind is something which can always be expanded upon through the knowledge that you gain.

Having obtained certain knowledge about filmmaking I feel a lot more confident in myself and the skills I have and to make a much better go of kick-starting my creative career.

What's next for you now that you've finished your university course?

Now I've got a degree, I am free to go out into the world of work and show people who I am, what my talents are and what I can do which will benefit my experience and help other people too.

Do you have any other interests outside of making films and doing YouTube?

I love the theatre, it's where I first started out in acting, going to drama groups and you just know when you caught that drama bug, you develop a true interest and passion to do more and learn more and expand, so theatre is definitely one that I like to do outside of YouTube and filmmaking, I also like Radio. I hope to have my own radio show one day, I think that would be cool.

What are your nicknames? What do you prefer to be called?

I don't really have any nicknames. If asked, I would prefer to be called Daniel professionally and then friends and family call me Dan. But never Danny. I hate being called Danny.

Do you save old greetings cards and letters? or do you throw them away? 

I keep the ones which I feel matter to me the most in an emotional or roundabout sort of way.

That brings this question and answer session to an end, I will see you next time for the next one! :)