Monday 13 July 2015


Hi There fellow Doctor Who fans.

I'm sure you're aware that images have been released on some new Doctor Who 5inch Action Figures which will be coming out very soon.

These figures include :

The Twelfth Doctor
The Curator from The Day of the Doctor

All of the figures look fantastic, it's good to finally see a Twelfth Doctor and a Clara in the five inch range of action figures, two figures which I have been asking after and have hoped we would see released. Now I can do Twelfth Doctor and Clara stories and The Curator figure with 'Gallifrey Falls No More' painting set is a nice edition to, I will no doubt be getting this and recreating the famous scene at the end of "The Day of the Doctor".

All of these I'm sure will be highly collectable and any Doctor Who fan such as myself will be eager to get their hands on them. So it will be a race against time to grab one before somebody else does to ensure you have your copy. If it's anything like The War Doctor figure, I can't see these lasting on the shelves for very long before they end up on eBay or Amazon for a price no less than £50.

I think these figures are set to come out in the Autumn of this year, around about October. Where you can by them from I don't know. I would assume that they are Forbidden Planet exclusives, but I don't know.

So these look to be fantastic figures, and I for one can't wait to have them in hand.