Wednesday 4 February 2015

COMING SOON... Adventures with the New Doctors!

Three very different Doctors : Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant and Matt Smith. All of which are versatile actors with their own energy and charisma. What do these three actors have in common? They've all played an incarnation of The Doctor!

Basically, I feel like I haven't done near enough with the newer doctors. It's not because I dislike them, I just never come up with ideas for stories to do with them. I'm more attached to doing stories with the classic doctors. I think it's a habit which has lacked in my versatility. I should really be doing stories with all of the doctors. Which is why more stories with the newer more modern doctors.

Earlier this year I released a trailer, showing what sort of Doctor Who would be up and most of it was new Doctors stuff because I wanted to get it out there that new stuff was coming and new ideas were being developed.

Anyway, This is all I wanted to say really in this very brief post, rather then rant on about originality and story developing that went into these stories.

I think i'll just do a couple of stories with the new doctors, just so I can say 'I've done a story with all the different doctors' and then maybe one big story with all 12 doctors together (Including John Hurt) that would be immensely epic and exciting to do. So who knows...

4th of February 2014
Use the #DANBURYProductions