Wednesday 4 March 2020

Revolution of the Daleks


Hello all, 

Since the series finale of Doctor Who aired, it was revealed that Doctor Who would return in a special called "Revolution of the Daleks".

Back in 2012, I produced a Sixth Doctor story with this title.

During this week I have been receiving interesting messages from people who have come across my videos on YouTube who claim that I have predicted the title of the Doctor Who special, when what it actually is is a coincidence. It's nice for people to say such things, but I haven't predicted a title for a future Doctor Who story, it's just a sheer coincidence that this has happened, plain and simple.

Mind you, Chris Chibnall could have come across my story and thought 'That's a good title' shame he didn't email me and ask me to write an episode for the next series... that's a missed opportunity.

If you so happen want to watch my action figure adventure from 2012, click here!