Friday 7 April 2017

Gameplay Videos


Hello everyone.

This is a post about the gameplay videos that I got going on on my channel recently, I'm basically going to talk about what's happening with those over the next few months. I've new seasons of Mortal Kombat videos to come as well as Injustice 2 coming out in May and the new revamped Crash Bandicoot trilogy coming out at the end of June so there's lots of new stuff to come, lots to look forward to.

Mortal Kombat XL - Season 3 (Summer 2017)

So now that I have stopped for Easter, it's time to think about what's going to happen with season three of Mortal Kombat videos. I've got lots of exciting plans for the summer season which will see MKXL through from May til the middle of July. These include the normal daily videos that I do as well as occasional extras such as tower challenges, invasion boss fights, invasion tower challenges, test your luck matches, survivor challenges and online matches such as ranked, player and king of the hill. 

Even though I have stopped for Easter, Spring season will not conclude until start of May. I'll take a spring break in May. After that I will start the new season of videos. 

Mortal Kombat Season Two will continue on Monday 24th April.

There will be an Easter special at Easter so keep a look out for any updates on that. 

Injustice: Gods Among Us - Season 2 / Injustice 2 - Season 1

So, Injustice. Injustice: Gods Among Us will still continue after easter, but only for a certain amount of time just to finish off the first season and when Injustice 2 comes out in May, that's when the first season of those videos will start. 

I've worked out that what I will have to do with my Injustice videos is simply go back and forth between Injustice: Gods Among Us and Injustice 2. Each season will just take it in turns each season of the year. So Injustice: Gods Amongs Us season one was in the spring, Injustice 2 season one will be in the summer and then I'll just keeping swapping them around like that. 

Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed videos I do when I can. And they are going to be very out of sync with the continutity of the story. I don't know what people who watch intend to expect from them, I'll just do what I can and my viewers can be kept up to date with where I am in the game. 

Crash Bandicoot

I have been waiting for ages for this. So hyped for this coming out, when it does eventually come out. I thought it was coming out at the end of February but it's not, it's actually coming out on the 30th June. Which did annoy me a little, I'd love it to be out now, but I guess I'll just have to wait. 

It looks amazing though, I love how the games company which revamped this have recaptured a childhood memory of mine and brought it back so I can enjoy it all over again.