Saturday 2 January 2016

DOCTOR WHO : An Introduction to The Conservative Trap


SYNOPSIS: The residents of the quiet town of Graine Park are living the same day over and over again. Averse to change and innovative to holding traditional values. But what is so special about the 21st of September 2015? and why are the locals acting strange?  The Doctor and new companion Phillipa ‘known as Pip’ Faye must solve the mystery before the 'visitors' come back.

NOTES: When coming up with an introduction to the series, Myself and friend Jamie Harrison brainstormed some ideas, for ways in which we could go about it. Jamie had an idea of a disappearing space ship, and I had ideas which followed along the lines of films like Alien in a Moulin Rouge type setting. 

We came up with 70 different small beginnings of what could possibly be story ideas, and those 70 got narrowed down to 30 and then that 30 got narrowed down to 10. Any ideas which we thought were good but possibly could be used later in another series could be put to one side, so the process of elimination was easier than actually coming up with the ideas of stories themselves.

I've always been a fan of 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' and stories like 'Childhood's End' I said to Jamie "why not do a story where Invasion of the Body Snatchers meets Childhood's End'? and he said "sounds good, lets hear it" and so we embarked on what would later become "The Conservative Trap' the title of "The Conservative Trap" was absolutely my idea. I wanted to put a political spin on it, and given whats going on in British Politics now it seemed ideal to do a story with a political spin on it. It's your typical alien invasion storyline but when you listen to it, you'll find that things are a bit out of the ordinary and a little unusual. 

We got two new monsters in this episode. We got an introduction to a new companion "Phillipa" aka Pip who I came up with. We have a very bleak setting in the modern day. It's a small village by the seaside which looks as if its like the most boring place in the world. I've invented up this image of a perfect village which has a beady eye watching over it all the time, and you can never be sure of who exactly you can trust. 

Partly Doctor Who is a show where you can go off the wall and experiment with ideas and I welcome that. However it only really works if the ideas your experimenting with are any good and it all makes sense in the end. Something like 'Android Invasion' works really well in comparison to something like 'Lets Kill Hitler'. 

Its always difficult to write the first episode to your new series because its the first episode which sets your series off for you. I can just sit back, relax and hope that you enjoy it. Let me know what you think, as I'll be interested to read any constructive feedback you have.