Friday 20 March 2015

Doctor Who - Rise of the Planet of the Daleks

It's finally here! It's the dalek story!


The TARDIS falls out of The Doctor's control in mid flight, hurtling through space. The Doctor and Kara land on an unknown planet, which the Doctor seems to recognize. Above the planet is a station owned by a group of Thal scientists examining the planet. 

As the Doctor tries to find his missing ship the Daleks begin their own mission to resurrect their recruitment armies. 

The Daleks have returned to Spiridon to resurrect the lost army of Daleks that the Doctor thought he had destroyed back in his third incarnation. 

The Thal expedition group prepare an attack against the Daleks, but all is not safe on board. Something strange is happening to the TARDIS...

Returning to Spiridon.

For those who have never watched 'Planet of the Daleks' Spiridon was a inhospitable jungle planet where the vegetation is hungry and extremely dangerous. The Doctor visited Spiridon before in his Third incarnation and joined an alliance with a group of Thals patrolling the area, they had been sent to Spiridon to destroy a team of daleks who were researching the Spiridons (the native life form of the planet) and their ability to become invisible. The Daleks wanted the Spiridon's power of invisibility.

Little did the Thal party know there was an army of ten thousand daleks and that the daleks were preparing a bacteria bomb to destroy all life on Spiridon, The Doctor with the help of his Thal friends and companion Jo Grant managed to encase the Dalek army in a prison of ice, from an eruption of liquid ice from the ice volcano.

This was all about going back to Spiridon and revisiting the roots in which 'Planet of the Daleks' left off, hence the title 'Rise of the Planet of the Daleks'. It was great fun to do that, as I am a big fan of that particular Dalek story, one of the Dalek's greatest hits really.

Writers Notes

Who wouldn't want to do a Dalek story? They are one of the main icons of the series and you can't have Doctor Who without them. They are my favourite monster in Doctor Who and for many people the best Monster / Enemy.

Why revert back to Dalek stories of the past? I'm basically looking back at old Dalek stories from the 70's stories like : Planet of the Daleks, Death to the Daleks, Genesis of the Daleks and can remember thinking... what happens afterwards? Where can the continuity go from here? And I thought about this carefully and considered all my options and thought that it may be a good idea to revisit some old dalek stories but put a twist on them as a sort of continuation, what happens next kind of thing.

Of course that meant we had to reference to 'Planet of the Daleks' and there a lot of good Dalek background to be absorbed whilst watching that story. It's very insightful experience to have the basis of a story already there and then to go 'okay what happens next' and using my creative contentions to work that out.

It will interesting to see what response it gets when it comes out, because fans love the original and some people out there who are not familiar with my work on YouTube but have watched 'Planet of the Daleks' may see this as something quite bold and refreshing so we'll have to see.


Technical Details

Written By : Daniel Bury (with Jamie Harrison)
Directed By : Daniel Bury
Episode : 12 out of 13
Air Date : Friday the 27th of March 2015
Sound Design : Jon Danson
Music By : Jon Danson and the SFX Library
Duration: 35 mins 
ISBN : DWS1EP10-1-78181-323
Production Code: F27Mar15