Saturday 14 June 2014

Coming Soon : Summer / Autumn 2014

Hey Everyone.

Sorry things have been a bit quiet recently, I've been preparing for my new schedule for Summer / Autumn Projects for 2014. It took time to manage my time and set deadlines for things, I've got some new exciting projects coming in. For which I'm sure you will all be able to enjoy individually. Also It's good for me to shy away from just doing Doctor Who Action Figure related projects 100% of the time.

So I'm basically going to talk through all of the projects I have planned over the next coming months. Some of which are a bit more out there and a bit more diverse than Doctor Who, Some are spin offs to Doctor Who and some are just simply because I've always wanted to do it but never found the right time to do it.

So the Projects I got lined up Summer / Autumn are as follows. Obviously the first series of Batman is out there, and I have planned to do some more Batman this year so there will be another series of Batman next year. It could possibly be as early as January 2015. I haven't decided yet, I'm still writing the scripts for Series 2.

The Chase - Series 5

The Chase will be back for another series. I'm still obviously under going a few more little changes to match the changes that have been happening with the actual show. There are 10 new episodes lined up for series 5, I've recorded 6 of them. The selection of celebrities I am happy with, I think all the episodes offer could suggestions as possible 'What If's' and imply a good range of diversity.

All the Chasers are back, and better than ever. I've refreshed the app game on my phone, which is what I use to record each game so everything is all well refreshed and ready to go. If a new update comes along the better. But we shall have to see. 

The twists are still there. However when Series 5 eventually comes out you will not get a different puzzle each week. It will all be one big puzzle which you will need to collect keys for, you collect keys by completing challenges set by one of the four chasers, four chasers - four keys to collect. You collect each key in turn. The purpose of this is to allow you the viewer to get more of the experience of my series of The Chase and to play along with the game as well as watch it. 

If you have any good ways for ways to improve my Chase series. I'd be more than welcome to hear any constructive suggestions.

Doctor Who - The Audio Adventures

My love for Big Finish has come to light. I've been inspired to do my own Audio Series of Doctor Who Adventures.

This series is a continuation of the Doctor Who Adventures starring my Doctor that you saw in 'The Android Invasion of the World'.

He and Shang have gone their separate ways and now The Doctor has gone off in the TARDIS on a set of brand new adventures not knowing what lies ahead.

The first series is a trail and error phase. Just to test what works and what doesn't. Obviously the diversities of the first series do shy away from the original formalities Doctor Who usually forms, however I do think that the stories and the way they are written is very strong. Six stories in total are lined up. The series will start in September. I hope and obviously the format will be different in comparison to my action figure adventures.

Empire of the Daleks

A spin off starring The Doctor's Arch Enemies. The Daleks.

The Daleks goal is to become the supreme masters of everything. It's a war against The Daleks and all other life forms in the universe that arn't like them.

This series shows the pure drama and devastation of The Daleks. Without The Doctor to stop them, The Dalek reign supreme over the universe.

This series, doesn't feature The Doctor. It's just The Daleks and how they fight off their opponents, how they plan their strategy, manipulate people and show off a darker side.

There are lots of exterminates in this series, lots of death and explosions and visual effects coming in to add dramatic emphasis and add to the drama. There are some new characters coming in to fight against The Daleks, and meet their match. It should be a really fun, charismatic and diverse project to do. I'm still brainstorming at the moment and researching, but It will all come together once the scripts are being written.

Iron Man Pilot

Iron Man, I had hoped to have already up and running and started on YouTube. Last year, alas It didn't happen afraid to say, But I haven't given up on my favourite Marvel Hero yet. Iron Man - The Pilot will be uploaded to my channel in October, Introducing a whole new action figure series. Just so I am assured that the project is finally off the ground and on wheels. I haven't got an idea yet, but I do have multiple suggestions coming to mind from all the research I've done. So I hope it works out.

That's it. That's all I got planned from now till November. I will keep you posted on all of these projects individually. Be sure to subscribe to the blog so you can get more exclusive content and backstage extras from Dan Bury.Com.

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