I apologise that things have been a bit quiet recently, I've to find time and money into getting new filming equipment, It's sorted out now, I hope and filming should start proper next week for a run of stories to finish off the Doctor Who run for the rest of this season.
It's mainly Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker stuff, but at the end of November is a special treat for you, just to take a breather. It's a dabue doctor story, four part serial written by myself. 'Phantasmagoria'. What's it about? I hear you ask, well I will give you a bit of an update about it.
The Doctor has regenerated and Kerry can't believe it. In fact, she doesn't. How can this be, the man she's known to be this charming, sweet, kind person to die and change his face right in front of her. It's a lot to take in when you think about it.
The Doctor has gone a bit gaga, and is very unstable. Which doesn't help matters when the TARDIS goes spiralling out of control, and Kerry has lost control of the TARDIS. With little help from the doctor, Kerry needs to try and find help herself. The only way she can do that is to lock the TARDIS co-ordinates onto the nearest possible planet's gravitational alignment. Which so happens to be Earth 1984.
Kerry tries to help the new doctor as best as she can, but The Doctor is some what confused by his new personar. He can't belive that it's him, a bitterness comes out in him which Kerry has never seen before which in turn doesn't play well in Kerry gaining faith in The Doctor.
A Time Apocalypse collapses in on it's self, allowing The Doctor and Kerry to confront a deadly energy demon hiding out on Earth regaining strength by feeding off the life force of others. The creature then takes an advantage of a time lord being on earth and decides to steal the Doctors remaining 8 lives.
"Writers Notes" - So what did I do to come up with this story? Well obviously I watched 'The Twin Dilemma' and Colin's performance in that. Thought I don't like The Twin Dilemma so much, It helped me a lot in recognising the comparison between Peter Davison's Doctor and Colin Baker's Doctor, in four episodes.
The Show changes as The Doctor changes. The Twin Dilemma did open a new door for Doctor Who and introduced a loud, colourful and bold doctor in the form of Colin Baker who is very theatrical and enunciates a lot of the time. He knows he's the cleverest man in the room and he will stop at nothing to prove that everyone else is stupid. What I love about Colin Baker's doctor is the sense of challenge. I feel challenged when I watch him. I bring this characteristic out in my own stories as well.
Phantasmagoria is a good story, I'm really happy with the out come and effort and planning that went into it. It will be interesting to see what you viewers have to say about it.