Friday, 8 August 2014

Doctor Who Action Figure Adventures - Doom of the Daleks

A look into the new series of Doctor Who Action figure stories coming soon.

"Doom of the Daleks" - Starring Jon Pertwee

"Words from Dan"

When I was approaching the writing for 'Doom of the Daleks'. I believed in a radical approach. I decided to go down similar sorts of roots in the ways of for example 'Day of the Daleks' and 'Death to the Daleks'.

It is very important I think for Doctor Who to inflict the balance of the terrors of the everyday, and have light comedy in there as well. And the Third Doctor era reflected that.

There's nothing quite like a Dalek story really. There's something about The Daleks and their mystery and the rival they have with The Doctor that makes stories with them, all the more interesting.

Daniel Bury 8th of August 2014


So The Doctor and Tom Clarke land on this planet, completely oblivious to whats happening in the surroundings. It doesn't take long for them to get stuck in and involved with things.

Moral line of the story is the Daleks are trying to find a cure for a virus they've got, and they need The Doctors help to cure it because Tom and The Doctor get it as well. So there all in same boat. It makes a change to actually bring the Daleks down to The Doctors level for a change so that they can be equals. If only for a short while.