Sunday 6 December 2020

I'm Back On The Radio From Tomorrow!


Hello everyone! Since becoming a radio presenter for local radio, there’s never been a job I’ve done before that’s been such a perfect fit for me. I truly love doing every single show and have a lot of fun doing it. I’m in my element. 

So when the coronavirus hit the UK back in March we were all told by members of senior management at Radio Verulam at the start of the first lockdown, the studios would close and all presenters who don’t have remote voice tracking equipment or access to myriad to present shows from home would be off the air for the foreseeable. Myself amongst many other fantastic presenters fell into this group of people. So I haven’t presented anything on Radio Verulam for eight months. 

But, during that time I have been doing other things. I’ve been taking on other volunteering responsibilities. Since September I’ve taken a head up on the Digital Team and am now a social media manager at Radio Verulam. 

I’ve done traffic and travel reports, and helped on Drive Time on a Thursday during the first lockdown. So I’ve been busy. 

But now I can say that I’ve been working behind the scenes with two of my seniors training to learn how to voice track from home, I got a mic sent over to me and been learning my craft at something completely new to me; but creative. 🎧 

So a bit of an update for you, I am now going to be back on the air from TOMORROW! 🥳 🎉 Before lockdown I was presenting my Sunday show from 2pm till 4pm. Sadly, The Sunday Showcase is now gone. But it may come back (who knows 🤷🏼‍♂️) So I don’t have my own show anymore, but I do have a show. 

I’m delighted to say that I will joining the Afternoon Verulam team covering Mondays 1pm till 4pm! And I couldn’t be happier with that time slot. No slot is permanent. Things may change when we go back to the studios, however, Mondays 1 - 4pm is where you can find me from now on. 

I’m so SO excited to be back on the airwaves again, my first show will be this coming tomorrow afternoon, Monday, 7th December. I’ll be glad of your company.